“Mind your words,” Atlas snarls, tilting his head. “Otherwise, I might allow myself to be lost to the haze of battle, and we’ll see who comes out victorious.”
“Of all the things,” Silence says, pushing off the coffee table and coming to kneel in front of us. “Why would that set you off?”
I scoff, shaking my head and glancing at my lap. If it wasn’t painful to be reminded of the truth, then I’d consider getting him in the balls too.
“Alinelle,” Silence says in a gentle tone I’ve never heard pass his lips. “Why would fledglings be a sensitive subject?” His eyes glow with his magic, but it won’t work on me.
Soothsayers may be among the most powerful of our kind, but our bond won’t allow him to force me. I don’t know the full extent of his gifts, but I know his kind can relive memories through the eyes of whoever they’re touching. I’d never give him the satisfaction of watching me grieve firsthand.
Other soothsayers have powers that manifest differently. They get visions of the future instead of the past; it’s a complicated magic I don’t fully understand.
Silence’s eyes glow even brighter as the hum of his power fills the air. He repeats the question.
“Because of the price she paid to heal her sister.” Atlas squeezes me tight around my middle.
I pat his arm to let him know I don’t hold him responsible.
Silence’s magic was whispered about in Faere. I heard rumors of the reach and gravity of his power before ever meeting him. As it turns out, my magic doesn’t like Silence using his gifts on Atlas.
“Never again,” I hiss, but the sound isn’t my voice. “Never use your magic on my mate again!”
“Ali...” Hex steps forward with palms raised. “You haven’t healed from paying the price for Aryndia and her fledgling?”
“Let me go,” I snap, trying to push out of Atlas’s hold. It’s not like I have anything to be embarrassed about, but it’s still hard to let anyone know of those wounds. After all, I did this to myself.
Atlas pulls me more firmly into his chest. “Nothing good comes from keeping secrets,” he murmurs into my ear. “I’m always on your side, no matter what. I am forever in your corner.”
“Then let me go,” I whimper, desperate to flee from my supposed husbands. Not just that. It wasn’t only a political marriage. These men are supposed to be my soulmates.
Mates are fiercely loyal and protective, but Atlas has shown me more of that than these two ever did.
“During your statement to the Seelie Court, you said that you always healed after paying your magic’s price,” Hex says, suddenly rigid.
“And she spoke the truth,” Silence says, frowning.
“I had only used that particular gift a few times, and the price was always temporary.” I shrug, rolling my jaw from side to side.
“The backlash was that severe?” Hex curses under his breath, spinning in a circle. “We warned them assassins planned to attack, but your mother was too prideful to listen.”
“What?” I slap Silence’s hand that rests on my knee. “Stop trying to touch me.”
“You know I’m incapable of lying. Why do you think we were so tense the day of our union?” Silence probes.
My jaw falls open as I scan for any hint of dishonesty.
“We heard whispers that there would be an attack.” Silence stares directly into my eyes. “That it would come from inside your mother’s court. We tried to warn them that not all Unseelie wish for a joint rule.”
I tear my eyes away from his and glance at Atlas over my shoulder. I genuinely trust his opinion, and I’m so confused. From what I understand, Silence is unable to lie, but Seelie can twist things.
“I don’t know anything about that.” Atlas brushes his fingers over my cheek.
“We had no hand in what transpired. We planned to keep close to you during the ceremony and return to my castle immediately after to ensure you were kept safe.” Silence doesn’t blink as he continues to stare like he can will me to believe his truth.
My mother was always a bit out of touch with the people of Faere. It’s not impossible for me to imagine her thinking she knew best. I’m sure she believed no one would attack her daughters inhercastle. My sister, at least back then, mirrored my mother perfectly.
“They didn’t want any assistance; they wouldn’t even accept the extra guards we offered. Why do you think we refused to leave your side? Why do you think we were so feral with the drive to protect you?” Hex rants, pacing back and forth. His head shakes violently.
My eyes dart away as I retreat into Atlas’s hold. I wrap my arms around my middle, trying to settle the churning in my stomach. No, my system doesn’t like seeing him so miserable. It’s confusing. I don’t want to be the source of pain for either of them, but also...