Page 63 of Psycho

Fuck. Now I’m hard. No one’s ever told me I’m worth the pain.

“What will you get to cover it?” I ask, trying to distract myself from the building euphoria she makes me feel.

“I have no idea.”

“I know who’ll do it. He does a lot of the brothers’ tattoos. I’ll make an appointment to get it done as soon as possible.”

“Why? Don’t you like my tattoo?”

She better be messing with me.

“You asking if I like seeing another man’s name on you while your hand’s wrapped around my dick?”

She laughs. “Don’t worry. It’ll be gone soon.”

Hopefully by tomorrow. If Joey doesn’t have space, I’m sure I can make him free up some time. This shit’s getting covered.

“How your life was isn’t going to be that way anymore. I love you, Evie, and I’m not going anywhere.”

“I hope so, because I’m falling in love with you too, and I’m not even trying to fight it.”

I wasn’t expecting for her to say it back. I was taking a risk, admitting how strongly I feel about her, but this is it for me now. Having heard her say she’s falling in love with me… there’s no going back.

“Why don’t you go take a shower, and I’ll meet you upstairs after I clean up down here.”

She leans over and kisses me before sitting up and gathering her clothes off the floor. I enjoy the sight of her perky arse as she runs for the stairs. Getting to my feet, I slide into my jeans, leaving them undone, and pick up the rest of our clothes and dumping them onto the armchair.

Straightening the couch cushions, and closing the window, I drag the throw over the back, grab the clothes, and shove them into the washing machine. Once the load’s started, I dig my smokes out of my back pocket and grab my phone from the table before heading out the back door. Lighting up, I check the two messages on my phone. The first one’s from Chaos, checking in, and the second is from Lexi. It wasn’t sent long ago, so I hit her up.

It rings five times, and I’m about to hang up when she answers.

“You’re lucky you caught me, big brother. I was about to tuck myself in for the night.”

“I got your text. What do you want to talk about?”

“It’s been a while since we checked in, and I just missed your voice. What are you up to?”

“I’m at Evie’s doing some washing before I head up to bed.”

“How is she?”

“She’s doing real good. Don’t you be worrying about her.”

The grin on her face as she was going up the stairs after I pounded into her is what I’m talking about.

“I’m not worried about her. She’s the only one I’ve met who could bring you to your knees. It’s you I’m worried about.”

Sighing, I take a long pull on my smoke. “Don’t worry, Lexi. It’s all good.”

“If you say so,” she singsongs. “Anyway, I spoke to Dad yesterday, and found out why he hasn’t been to visit.”

I’d rather talk about anything but that fucker, but for her, because I know she doesn’t have anyone else to talk to about him, I ask, “What excuses did he give you?”

“No excuses, Lou. He’s got liver disease.”

It takes everything I have not to laugh. Again, only for her, though. I always vowed to kill him one day, but oh, the sweet irony of him killing himself.

“I should go. The screws will be doing their rounds in a bit.”