Page 55 of Psycho

“So you’re not going to lose your shit if Evie wants to end things with you?”

I force myself to take a deep breath to keep from saying some shit I’ll regret.

“She’s mine, and she wants to be. She’s not ending shit.”

“For now, maybe. I worry about you.”

“Sounds like you’re more worried for her when there’s no fucking need. She’s not going anywhere, and for once, I feel fucking normal.”

“I love you, Lou. You know you’re the only one I truly give a shit about in this fucked-up world. If you lose your head over her, I’m not out there to help you. I worry, that’s all.”

Pushing out of my seat, I glare down at her. “Don’t. You’re not getting in my head and fucking this up for me.”

Storming across the room, I weave around the tables and tip my chin for the prison officer to open the door for me. I need to get out of here.

Thirty seconds after I get to my bike, my phone’s blowing up.

I’m not talking to her yet. There’s another woman I need to put on the right path when it comes to inserting themselves into my business where Evie’s concerned.

My sister is the most important person in my life, but she knows full well that my business is just that—my fucking business.

The prospect opens the gates, and I park up in my usual spot.

Swinging my leg over my ride, I rip off my riding gloves and unclip my helmet. Walking inside the club, my eyes are everywhere, looking for Crystal.

It’s not often that she’s not hanging around, waiting for one of the brothers to finally fall in love with her.

I pass by Chaos and Mayhem, whose heads are bent together, and spy Crystal perched at the bar, flirting with one of the prospects.

“You!” I snap, getting her attention. When she looks at me, I point to the corner of the bar and order, “Follow me.”

I hear her heels tapping against the concrete floor as she follows behind me. When I reach the corner, I round on her.

“What do you need, Psy?”

I recoil internally at her easy use of my shortened road name.

“What I need is for you to keep your fucking mouth shut. What the fuck made you think you could talk to Evie, let alone talk my business to her like you’re some-fucking-one around here?”

Her plump, red-stained lips part, but I don’t give her the chance to speak.

“You’re no one to me or the brothers here. You’re nothing but a gash to warm their dicks. Do not ever put yourself in my line of sight again, because you will fucking regret it.”

“I didn’t mean to cause any offence.”

“I think you did. I think you were perfectly aware of what you were doing, but you picked the wrong brother to go against. Open your mouth again in my presence, and I’ll sew your fucking lips shut. Understand?”

She nods, and I jerk my chin, telling her to fuck off. Instead of going back to the bar, she skitters off outside. I hope it’s the last time I ever see her. Fucking bitch.

“What was that about?” Riot asks as he comes to stand beside me.


I go to walk off when he grabs my arm. Cutting my gaze to his hand, he quickly releases me and backs off.

“I know you, brother. That wasn’t nothing. Talk to me.”

As loud and happy as my brother usually is, he has moments where he can be serious, though they’re few and far between.