Page 45 of Psycho

Chapter Thirteen


Heavy clouds hang above us, hiding the stars. I dig out my smokes, hoping the rain holds off until the shipment arrives, and light up.

It’s just after midnight, and I wonder if Evie’s asleep now? She sounded tired, especially after making herself come. Shit. I can’t think about it without getting hard. Laying on her bed, touching herself at my command, that shit’s burned into my brain.

Having her boy home has relaxed her in ways I never could have. I’d take it personally, but I was the reason she got him home, so I don’t. Every day that passes, she opens up so much more, and the beauty she has on the outside matches her beauty on the inside. I knew there was something special about her that first time I saw her, and I’m never fucking wrong.

“How much longer?” I grunt to Chaos.

“Why? You got somewhere to be?”

Narrowing my eyes, I relax and shake my head. I’d much rather be with Evie and playing with her, but I have responsibilities, and I take them seriously.

“It’ll be his new girlfriend,” Riot hollers from next to Chaos.

“Yeah, right. I forgot about her.” Mayhem winks at me. “The mysterious new woman. Does she know about you yet, or is she still a figment of your imagination?” He knows full well we’ve met. The arsehole’s just joining in for a laugh with our brothers.

Their laughter has my shoulders bunching together in agitation. If I were Riot, I’d throw them a quick comeback. If I were Mayhem, I’d laugh it off. And if I were Chaos, I’d tell them all to shut the fuck up. But none of them are my style, so I lean against my bike, inhaling on my cigarette, imagining slicing their shit-eating grins off their faces. Not that I would. These men are the only men in the world I hold respect for. They’re more than my club brothers, they’re my family.

“You better leave him alone. You know he’s thinking up ways of hurting us,” Riot hollers and I smirk, liking how he knows me so well.

“Are we ever going to meet this woman?” Chaos asks, genuinely wanting to know.

“To shut you fuckers up, I’ll bring her by the club once we’re finished with this run.”

There’s no laughter, no more jokes. They all stare at me and I arch my brow, silently asking them what their problem is now. I can never win with these fuckers.

“Is she local?” Mayhem enquires.

“Yeah. She doesn’t live far from the town centre.”

Riot prods, “Where did you meet her?”

The arseholes have stopped fucking around.

“At the prison while I was visiting Lex.”

“At least you know you have family in common on the inside,” Mayhem offers.

“Not quite.”

Chaos raises his brow, wanting more detail.

“She was a prisoner I first saw while visiting Lexi. She was released a few weeks ago.”

That’s all they’re getting. It’s her business to share, not mine. But Riot still asks, “What was she in for?”

“Nothing that would bring interest to the club.”

“I’ll trust you on that, brother. But it better stay that way,” Chaos warns.

“It will.”

It fucks me off that he thinks he has to warn me about that kind of shit. He knows I’d never bring trouble to the club’s doorstep. If I thought Evie would be a threat to us, I wouldn’t be trying to tie myself to her in every way possible.

Three flashes of a torch light beckon us from the shoreline, and I pull away from my bike.