Page 34 of Worth the Fight

“Because I know him better.”

She squirms and fights against her restraints to no avail. I wanted to get under her skin, and it’s working.

“Our deal with the RBMC will bring in more money than you ever could.”

She stops squirming and begins to laugh hysterically.

“You’re lying! He would never work with the Bastards.”

“We’ve made an arrangement. It’s lucrative for everyone. He’s a businessman.”

“You’re right about that, honey. He’s a businessman. And he doesn’t work with people he can’t trust.”

I wasn’t expecting this. She’s calmed down, most likely figuring out my charade. I step toward her.

“He trusted you once, didn’t he? You broke that. He doesn’t give second chances. But don’t worry; it’ll all be over soon. Now that I’m back, the club has no reason to keep you alive.”

“You won’t let them kill me. I’m your mother.”

“That may be true, but it’s not going to save you.”

I walk past her, starting toward the door. I’m done here.

“I almost believed you!” she yells with a laugh. “I don’t know why he let you go, but there’s no amount of money in the world that would make him work with the Bastards.”

“And why is that?”

“He wants them all dead!” she screams. “You think he let you go out of the kindness of his heart? He has no heart, you stupid, stupid girl! He’s going to kill all of you! Everyone!”



Ilisten to the recording of Taylor’s conversation with Sidney again. I knew this was personal. I fucking knew it. What I don’t know is why. When Taylor came up the stairs, she was clearly shaken by the encounter.

“Something’s wrong,” she says. “I think…I think Mason may know The Harvester.”

I’ve feared the same thing. He hasn’t been himself.

“I’ve been thinking the same thing.”

“I tried convincing my mother that The Harvester let me go because we made a deal with the club. She said he would never work with us. He hates the club.”

“But she didn’t say why.”

She shakes her head. “No, but it just doesn’t add up. There has to be some sort of history between him and the club.”

You would think for a man like The Harvester, money would be his driving force. She should’ve believed he would make a deal with us. We have the means to traffic women all over the world if we want to.

“Did you share it with Mason?” Taylor asks, her legs resting over mine while she lays on the couch.

“Yeah. He didn’t really say anything, just that he’ll check into it.”

“You think he’s telling the truth?”

“I think he knows something but isn’t ready to share it yet.”

“Church!” Mason calls out. “Get a fucking move on!”