Page 31 of Worth the Fight

She doesn’t know The Harvester let Taylor go. Perhaps we can use that to our advantage.

“Where is she? Where did he take her?” I yell, pretending like she still has the upper hand.

She fucking laughs again. “She’s going to fetch a pretty penny. I knew the moment she came back, she was going to make me a lot of money. She fucks like a pro, doesn’t she? That’s because she is one.”

Unable to resist, I punch her, knocking her out cold. Hunter removes the clamps from her nipples, and she wakes with a scream.

“You’re going to die,” I promise her. “And I’ll be the one to watch you take your last breath.”

We shut the lights out as we leave her down there alone. No screams. Just laughter. I start to wonder if that sound will now be the one to haunt my dreams.



One thing I love about the clubhouse is that there’s always food. I suppose when you have a bunch of hungry men to feed, you keep the place stocked. Davina and Skylar cooked burgers and hot dogs today. Okay, Jake grilled the meat, but the girls cooked the sides.

I haven’t eaten much since I got back home. I’ve been processing what happened. Well, processing the horrible things I did. I helped my mom keep those girls as prisoners. I treated them like they were worthless.I was cruel and uncompassionate, turning off my emotions so I wouldn’t be exposed.

The past three days, I’ve been living in this kind of bubble, but it’s time I burst it. Time I face what happened and use it to help the club. They’ve done everything they can to help me.

“What happened to my stepsisters? To my mom?”

Christian is eating a burger, and his chewing slows. He hasn’t said much but keeps going out back. The only thing back there is the garage and the apartments.

“Um, baby, are you sure you want to talk about that?”

“Yes, it’s why I asked. It’s been days, and I can’t keep behaving like the last few weeks didn’t happen.” He takes another bite of his burger, clearly stalling. “They’re dead, aren’t they?”

He swallows and turns to face me. “Your stepsisters are both dead.”

“And my mom?”

“She’s alive.”

My mother is alive. Not what I expected. Maybe not even what I hoped for.

“Where is she?”

“She’s um…she’s here actually. We’re holding her until she gives up the identity of The Harvester.”

“She’s here? Where? Where is she?”

“We have a basement in the garage. She can’t get out. I promise. I promise you’re safe.”

She’s been here the whole time, and I didn’t know. I can’t be mad at Christian for not telling me. I was the one who acted like nothing happened.

“She’s not going to tell you anything.”

He nods. “I know. She enjoys the torture.”

I don’t ask what they’re doing. It doesn’t matter. They can do whatever it takes to get answers.

“She doesn’t know The Harvester let you go. Thinks he kept you to sell with the others.”

“You didn’t tell her?”

“No. We haven’t figured out how to use it to our advantage yet.” I nod numbly. “You okay?”