Page 22 of Worth the Fight

She told me she loved me, and I have no idea if I feel the same way or not, so I acted like I didn’t. I only have one relationship to compare this one to, and they’re not the same. Not even close. There is no comparison.

I reach to pull her arms tighter around my waist, but she eases her hands back, only gripping my cut. I’m an idiot, and I plan to make it right the moment we get home.

Mason leads us to the clubhouse, and I frown when I notice bikes and vehicles parked inside the compound. They don’t belong to us, so who the hell is here? I tell myself not to panic. The place is still standing.

We get parked and I try to help Taylor off the bike, but she doesn’t take my extended hand. I grab her arm and jerk her to me.

“I’m sorry, baby.”

She just shakes her head and pulls away, walking off without turning back. I follow her and everyone else inside. The place is a fucking disaster. Empty beer bottles and cigarette butts litter the floor. The pool table has a rip in the felt. The TV has been knocked off the stand and is no doubt busted. The club whores are here, laying around half-naked. The fucking prospects had a party while we were gone. They were supposed to be protecting the clubhouse, and instead, they were getting fucked up.

“Wow. This place is a fucking dump,” Hunter says and looks over to Mason. “Who’s ass do I need to kick?”

Mason runs a hand through his hair and mumbles a curse. We are all about having a party. We leave just as much of a mess with the beer and cigarettes, but we don’t destroy things.

“Mason!” Tripp yells, disentangling himself from a woman as he stands from the couch. “You missed one hell of a party!”

He saunters over and wraps his arm around Taylor’s waist. “You did, too, sweetheart. You should’ve been here.”

I shove him back, and he stumbles, hitting a barstool. He quickly regains his footing and charges at me. I easily dodge him and he turns back around, I throw a right hook, connecting with his jaw. He spits blood, but doesn’t come at me again.

“Go fuck yourself, Munsey!” He wipes his mouth and points his bloody finger at me. “Go fuck yourself with your little Tic-Tac-sized dick.”

“Yeah? That’s why your mama’s breath always smells so good.”

He shoves me and Hunter intervenes, doing his best not to laugh. After a second of silence, we all burst out laughing. Tripp apologizes, but I don’t shake his fucking hand. Fuck him.

“Get this mess cleaned up,” Mason orders. “We’ll have church and decide what to do with you dumbass motherfuckers.”

I look for Taylor as we start down the hall, but she’s gone.



Ihad to get out of there. I’ve been ignored most of the day, only for him to give me some lame apology. Why did he even apologize?

Sorry, Taylor, I don’t love you. Sorry, Taylor, I’ve been using you for sex. Sorry, Taylor, you’re not worthy.

He said all he needed to say. Yes, Allie told me to keep fighting, but why would I do that? Why would I keep putting myself out there only to get my heart broken by him again and again?

“You all right?” Tripp walks outside, his nose no longer bleeding. There’s dried blood on his shirt.

“Yep. You did a pretty stupid thing.”

He shrugs. “I thought it would look better to have the clubhouse full than for it to appear empty. I ran it by Jake, and he gave me the green light.”

I doubt Jake told him to destroy the clubhouse, but I don’t say that.

“I understand that. Still, you probably should’ve talked to Mason about it first.”

“True. Live and learn, right?”

I nod. I’m tired of learning, though. Tired of learning how everyone I’ve ever counted on has let me down. Tired of not being loved in return.

“Sometimes living and learning just sucks.”

“I don’t know what you see in that guy,” Tripp says.