“Do you enjoy it? You can at least tell me if you’re happy.”
Lips thinning, he pulls his visor down then throws his long leg over the bike and taps the seat behind him. “Get on.”
“Will you ever quit?”
He sighs. “Come on, Stacey. It’s been two years. There’s no reason for you to know any of this.”
I cross my arms. “Canyou quit?”
His head drops in annoyance. “It’s very improbable that the opportunity to walk away comes up. Now, get on, unless you want the second option? Fucking you in only a helmet sounds hot.”
I stand beside the bike. “But—”
He hits my visor, and it closes over my face, ending the conversation. He can’t see through the tint, but I’m narrowing my eyes at him as he holds out his hand to help me climb on behind him.
Kade looks over his shoulder. “The helmets are hooked up to the bike’s Bluetooth. Connect your phone.”
“Why would I do that?”
I can tell he’s raising a brow. “Music.”
“While you’re driving?” I ask, mortified. “No! You need to concentrate.”
“Stop being annoying. I’ve shot guns while driving and have never even come close to crashing.”
I slap his shoulder. “You didwhat? And what if you go too fast and I can’t hold on and fall off?”
The bike vibrates under me as he kicks the stand. He raises his voice so I can hear. “Just connect your fucking phone, Stacey.”
I lean back and pull my phone out. “You know, Base shouldn’t be calling Luciella Moodypants when she has you as a brother.” The helmet beeps as my Bluetooth connects and I open my music playlist. “You’re by far the moodiest person I’ve ever met,” I say under my breath.
“I heard that,” he replies, his voice now echoing in my helmet.
Of course.“Just when I thought I’d get some peace from you.”
I don’t hear what he replies as “4runner” by Brenn! starts playing.
He reaches behind him and takes my arms, snaking them around him. “Hold tight, Freckles.”
I shriek as he takes off, and I decide that this will be my last day on earth. He’s going far too fast, and I think I might fly off.
The bike dips to the side as he takes a right, and I’m sure I’m about to lose a kneecap.
“I’m scared,” I admit, screwing my eyes shut on a scream as he pushes forward through traffic. “Slow down!”
“Every time you scream, I’ll go faster.”
“Fuck you!” I yell over the music. “Fucking fuck you, Kade Mitchell!”
I hear the smile as he says, “I will as soon as we stop.”
“I’m going to kill you.”
He laughs again.
I wrap my arms around him tighter as he sets off to the right, the wind whipping my hair around us. He zips to the side more, so close to hitting the ground, and I find myself gripping his top.
“I’m so cold,” I gasp.