Page 140 of Insatiable

My mouth travels up her throat, along her jaw, and I chance my luck.

But Stacey dodges my mouth when I try to kiss her, and it fucks me off enough that I lean up and press my hand into the pillow beside her head.

“I want to kiss you,” I tell her, taking her throat and cutting off her air. “Let me fucking kiss you.”

Her lips part, and I release her enough to speak. “It’s too intimate.”

A gasp rips from her throat as I force my cock into her pussy, sheathing me in her warmth. “And this isn’t?”

She flutters around me, still sensitive from her orgasm.

“You… You fuck all the time. I’m no different from the rest.”

That isn’t even slightly true.

I fist her hair, tugging her head back, and start slamming into her, hiking her leg to my hip to go deeper. “Is this too intimate?” I grit my teeth as she tries to shake her head, groaning loud as my cock threatens to spill inside her already. “Will I go harder? Faster?”


I do. I fuck her with every ounce of speed I have.

I pull out, flip her over, pushing her down so she’s flat, and hammer into her again. Her sensitive area grinds into the mattress with each thrust, and every nerve within me sparks, my balls tight.

My body completely covers her. I’m taking what she’s giving, and none of this is forced. We want each other. We want this. We want the fucking orgasms causing havoc in our bodies.

“One more, Freckles. Come on.” I link our fingers in one hand and take her throat with the other. “Give me one more.”

I grit my teeth as she pulses around me one more time, screaming my name and gripping the sheets between our entwined fingers. Her cunt clenches around my cock, her throat working under my grip, and as my vision blurs, heat floods the base of my spine, muscles bunching at my thighs.

I see black before I’m falling over the edge with her, spilling every drop inside her.

I collapse, crushing her as we pant through the euphoria, slowly dragging my length through her depths until I can’t handle it anymore and pull out.

But I don’t move – I stay on top of her, pressing my lips to her shoulder and trying to fill my lungs.

I shift off her, my hand on her back. “You okay?”

Stacey manages a nod and quietly says, “Yeah. Are you?”

I frown. No one has ever asked me that after sex – am I okay? Fuck yes, I am.


There are so many words I want to blurt out, but I’ll regret them as soon as I do. We can never be together, not with our past and secrets and my life. I can’t have a girlfriend then go fuck and be fucked by both men and women while drugs are pumped into my body.

Against my thoughts, I lean forward to kiss her, but she turns her face away from me.

“I need to go get your clothes from dry cleaning,” she says, sitting up and hiding her tits from me. “I’ll call an Uber when I get back.”

I frown as she quickly collects clothes from her suitcase and hurries into the bathroom to clean up and get dressed.

I sink into the mattress and rub my hands down my face. Reality is slowly creeping in, and I want to kick it the fuck back to where it was. As soon as I charge my phone, the bubble we’re in pops.

Not a fan of that idea.

Stacey comes out, hoodie and leggings covering her now. “You should get something to eat. I think they do room service.”

I glance at her as she sits on the sofa and studies her phone, acting like I didn’t just make her explode numerous times, though her legs are still trembling slightly. “Why did you book your flight for two days’ time?”