“And,” I added, reluctantly releasing Tegan from my hold and changing the subject. “I think it’s time we start looking for a new ride for you.”
A fusion of excitement and discontentment clouded her face. “No!” she cried.
We gawked at her. “No? we echoed.
“Princess, your car is a piece of shit,” I added. “It doesn’t start half the time.”
“I know, but…” she sighed. “I can’t afford a new one right now.”
I grimaced and rolled my eyes. “Really, Tegan?”
She blushed and shook her head. “You guys have done enough. I can’t have you buying me a new car, too.”
“How about an old one that runs properly?” Wyatt suggested, and Tegan gaped at us in return.
“Have you been discussing this behind my back?” she asked accusingly, but I read the pleasure in her eyes.
“Maybe,” Wyatt replied. “Can you blame us for not wanting you to drive around in a death trap all the time?”
She grinned wickedly and danced over to him, placing her arms around his neck. “But I can always drive your car, can’t I?” she purred.
“Where are you going now?” I demanded, watching her sweet cheeks tucking in and out from under the bottom of Wyatt’s t-shirt.
“I’ve got to get dressed and go to the hardware store, remember? You guys got me a list of crap to get.”
“I’ll come with you,” I offered, pushing myself off the counter, but Tegan waved me back, a genuine laugh escaping her mouth.
“Relax. I’m not taking Lola. Atticus said I could take his Escalade.” She gave Wyatt a faux reproving look. “Some people are more generous at sharing their toys than others.”
“I don’t mind sharing!” Wyatt protested. “We just want you to have a safe vehicle.”
Her teasing laugh echoed through the house as she scampered back up the stairs to get dressed, but I caught the final look she gave the blueprints, her soft smile unmistakable before she vanished.
Wyatt also saw it.
“You think she likes the idea of us staying?” Wyatt asked when he was sure she was out of earshot.
I grinned. “I think we’re growing on her,” I replied, knowing deep down that we were finally all on the same page.
Istared at the list in my hand, a grimace forming on my lips.
I should have told Wyatt to come with me. This was way too much shit to bring on my own.
“Can I help you, ma’am?”
The timid voice of a young woman turned me around, and I saw one of the employees standing at my side, her bright orange apron almost drowning her. She didn’t look older than twelve, spindly legs and huge, haunted eyes, but on closer inspection, I realized she was probably my age. Her nametag read “Teresa.”
“Uh, no… probably not,” I grinned. “My partners sent me to pick up a load of supplies for our property, but…”
I gestured at the list in my hand hopelessly. “I should have taken up their offer to come with me.”
Sheepishly, I turned back to the varnish stains.
“Oh… are you local? We could arrange a delivery in the Sacramento area,” Teresa suggested softly, her voice barely a whisper.