Page 28 of My Three Rivals

“What?” I demanded, pretending I didn’t know what was going on.

“What?” Atticus echoed, advancing on me.

I backed toward my bedroom door, but Wyatt remained in place as my back hit the wall. I wasn’t afraid they were going to hurt me, per se, but they were both furious.

It aroused me, giving me power over both of them, a smug satisfaction that I had sullied their plans right under their invasive noses. No one had noticed me sneaking off while they sat around, taking up space in my house.

“Yeah, what?” I challenged.

Atticus drew closer, and I threw my head back defiantly, hoping he couldn’t hear the pounding of my heart. Wyatt encircled me on the other side, and my hand fumbled for the doorknob, my intention to swoop inside and slam the door in their faces.

“I don’t know what you think you’re doing,” Atticus rasped, an intense sportiness overtaking my senses, his aftershave flooding my nostrils and ticking my stomach. “But this shit stops here. Now. Today.”

Distinctly aware of Wyatt closing on me, my fingers curled around the doorknob, and the wood fell back, but Atticus seemed to read my action before I could perform it. His arm snaked around my waist, and without effort, he carried me, gasping and kicking, into the bedroom, tossing me onto the four-poster bed. Instantly, I scrambled to my knees, my nipples cutting through the material of my tank top. Both men’s eyes traveled toward my breasts, my heaving, angry chest as we triangulated at the foot of the bed.

“Did you hear me, Tegan?” Atticus asked again, his tone even, like he was ordering lunch. “You need to stop with your shit.”

“Or what?” I spat back. “You’re going to take over my property?”

Wyatt stepped closer, and his pheromones hit me, comingling with Atticus’. The fusion of spice and sport made me heady, the ire in my body blurring my vision.

“We can make things so much worse for you,” Wyatt promised through clenched teeth.

Fuck. They were both so hot when they were angry.

I started to laugh mockingly at him. “I’d like to see you—”

I didn’t get a chance to finish my thought, Atticus’ strong hand cupping the back of my neck, his lips crushing brutally to mine to shut me up. The action startled the hell out of me, a gasp emanating from my mouth, captured by his pressing lips.

Bolt after bolt of electricity shot through me in waves, my knees buckling at the unexpected, but clearly pent-up, embrace.

As quickly as he’d kissed me, he pulled back, a slight shock in his hazel eyes, as though he didn’t know what had come over him.

I eyed Wyatt, who smirked but appeared distinctly uncomfortable.

“If you think that’s going to shut me up—” Another kiss from Atticus followed, my knees buckling as Wyatt moved in, gushes of warmth rocking through me.

Is this really happening?

I leaned into the kiss, encouraging him to keep going. I didn’t realize how much sexual tension had built up between us, and I didn’t want this to end.

Atticus’s hand reached up to cup my still jingling breast, my breath impossible to catch as I tried to catch my footing. But it was gone, vanished beneath the hot kiss of this too-handsome man and Wyatt’s penetrating dark eyes. He paused and stared at me, waiting as I returned his stare evenly.

“What?” I challenged. “That’s it? You’re not going to finish what you started?”

He didn’t need to be asked again, his mouth crushing to mine and stealing my breath, but I stole a sidelong look at the silent figure simply watching, waiting for guidance at the foot of the bed.

Wyatt bit his bottom lip, and I parted my head from Atticus, reaching for Wyatt’s hand.

Atticus squeezed the back of my neck encouragingly, but I didn’t need his approval. The force of heat between my thighs was already driving me, directing me where I needed to go.

Wyatt’s eyes locked on mine, his face flushing as he realized I was staring back at him.

“Are you going to tell me that you don’t want to join us?” I asked coyly, an epiphany bursting through me at that moment.

I could get further with honey every time. Besides, I had been attracted to all three of them from the moment I met them, even though I wanted to hate them. I didn’t need to fight off this infuriating attraction. It could work fully to my advantage.

Wyatt was more hesitant than his business partner, but when Atticus again pressed his mouth to mine, I pulled his friend closer, not giving him much of a choice in the matter.