Page 25 of My Three Rivals

The table fell silent, and Atticus cleared his throat. “I’m working on that,” he muttered. “But that’s the other reason I’m going today.”

We stared at him expectantly, and Atticus sighed. “Lou.”

We exhaled in unison. Better Atticus than me. He was better at dealing with that stuff.

“Where’s Tegan?” Maverick asked, breaking the silence.

I cast him a sidelong glance, wondering why he was curious.

“I saw her this morning. She wasn’t happy about the plans,” I informed them honestly. Atticus groaned.

“I wish you hadn’t told her anything.”

“She was pretty upset about the vineyards. Started going off about how plants have feelings or some shit,” I added now that I’d relayed the information.

Atticus laughed. “Oh, for fuck’s sake.”

“Actually,” Maverick interjected, “there have been studies to suggest that’s true.”

“Not you, too,” I grumbled, but I couldn’t deny that twinge of guilt growing inside me.

Maverick shrugged and grinned at me. “Just saying.”

“Well, keep an eye on her. We know she can be petty and vindictive,” Atticus reminded us, rising.

We saluted him sarcastically, and he rolled his eyes, digging his keys out of his pocket before sauntering out of the back door to leave me and Maverick on Tegan duty.

My stomach growled again, and I eyed the kitchen hopefully. “Anything to eat around here?”

“There’s week-old pizza in the fridge, but I feel like if you eat that, Tegan might eat you.”

Heat shot through my groin at the thought, and I shifted in my seat before he could see the bulge in my crotch.

“I’ll wait until Atticus gets back,” I sighed, pushing myself off the counter to find myself some coffee.

It was going to be another miserable day. But at least I wasn’t spending it all alone in my condo for once.

* * *

Atticus returned to the house around noon, his arms loaded down with groceries, and I went to help him get the rest out of the Escalade.

“The girl give you any trouble?” he asked.

I shook my head. “I have no idea where she is. I think she went out. Her car’s gone.”

“That rusted piece of shit she drives?” Atticus laughed.

I shrugged, bringing the rest of the packages into the house, my gut flipping with hunger by now. I ripped open a box of cheese crackers and munched as we put everything away.

“And Maverick?” Atticus asked. “Don’t tell me he’s off getting laid again.”

“He’s out in the vineyards.”

Atticus paused at the cupboards, a can of corn in his hands. “Why?”

I shrugged again. “I don’t know, Atticus. I don’t ask him to report his every movement to me. You told me to watch the queen. That’s what I’ve been doing.”

It felt strange calling Tegan the queen now that I realized she was broke, but the nickname had already ingrained itself into my head.