I carefully drag her body lower, easing her into the hot spring, and she moans. “Drink,” I urge, knowing there’s more lust flowing through my veins than I can stand. “Drink, now. You need to—”
Rika’s hand shackles my cock as her legs wrap around my waist. Her lips land on mine, hungry and rough.
“Fuck me,” she begs, bringing me to her entrance. A better man would say no. He would remind her that this is supposed to be a selfless act. Thathisneeds aren’t important. But in this moment, I’m not a better man. I’m a man who needs to be fucking the woman who consumes my thoughts day and night.
The first thrust into her has me nearly weeping with relief. I back her up until she’s flush against the hot springs’ edge. Her moans turn to whimpers as the wound on her shoulder starts to seep fresh blood.
“This is the last time I’m going to tell you, Rika. Drink.” I bring her face to my neck once more. She hesitates, but the sharp sting of tearing flesh tells me her fangs are lengthening. They bury deep in my skin and I clench my jaw to hold back the sounds of pain wishing to spill from my lips. Instead I pump into her, snapping my hips forward and chasing my release
Rika’s fangs slide deeper and blood drips into the water between us. I ignore the pain, gripping the edge behind her and focusing all my energy on the forbidden friction her tight passage is giving me. Rika throws her head back, pulling her fangs free from me and crying out in ecstasy. Everything about this is wrong. But the feeling of joining my body with Rika’s, of hearing her moans of carnal pleasure and knowing I’m the one fueling her deepest needs, feels so unbelievably right. I drive into her harder, faster, the fluttering of her walls urging me on. My climax rises, darkening my vision and triggering an unstoppable chain of events. I drag Rika’s mouth to mine, needing to be close to her in every way possible. My feelings for her are powerful and unsettling.I must have Rika.
The primal need her to claim her as my own grows stronger by the second. Our lips move against one another in a delicate dance that teeters on the edge of serenity and madness. Now that I’ve had her like this, I’ll never be satisfied living without her.
Rika’s body tightens around me and she screams, the sound less human than before. Sparks shoot up my spine as I bury myself one last time and release the flood of cum I’ve been so eager to fill her with.
Rika takes it, clinging to me and panting in my ear. My hips slow, and the sights and sounds of the room around me sharpen into focus. Our eyes meet, and something far deeper than lust passes between us.
“We’re getting out of here, Rika. No matter what it takes. I know you can find a way.”
I’m confident she can get us out. Her dark eyes shine with uncertainty. I pray with every ounce of faith left in my bones that my trust isn’t misplaced.
Iknow you can find a way. Everett’s words drape across my shoulders like a death shawl. How can he have so much faith in me? Our journey back to his sleeping quarters is spent in quiet contemplation. No matter how many scenarios I conjure in my thoughts, they all end with us getting caught. The Jorogumo do not allow anyone to leave this place for good. I only know of one instance when a local young woman tried to make a run for it. The elders hunted her down in the night, breaching the surface in their yokai forms and risking everything to bring her back. She was strung up, tortured, and kept on the brink of death for two weeks before they finally allowed her to die. A shudder runs through me at the memory of her pleas for help. None came to her aid. Not me, not Atree, nor any of the other pleasure pets or elders. Fear is an invisible shackle, more powerful than any physical chains.
My mind swirls with long-repressed memories. There have been so many horrible things done within these stone walls. So many times the weak have become prey. Such horrific injustices have taken place again and again. And I did nothing to stop any of them. What would my parents think of the monster I’ve become? My limbs move on auto-pilot as I chain Everett to his usual spot.
“No goodnight kiss?” he taunts, keeping his voice low. I think we’re both still paranoid after Sibbie snuck up on us. I’m not looking to spend any more time strung up. But being intimate with a feeder isn’t a crime. Talking about escape is one thing. I’ve always known that’s not allowed. But not kissing the men outside of the feeding chamber isn’t strictly a rule. He grins as I drop low, dipping my face toward his. Before I can reach him, he gasps, doubling over.
“Everett?” My fingers dig into the meat of his shoulders as he heaves. His muscles twitch beneath my touch, and a strangled whimper leaves his gasping throat. Horror splits through every other concern currently filling my mind as I realize what’s happening.
Signs of the sickness have begun.
I pull him into my body, holding him tightly as his body calms. When he looks up at me there’s true fear in his sea-blue eyes. He knows. Without me having to say it, he knows. The sickness won’t take him right away, but it means he only has a few feedings left. It varies so often. Two, maybe four at most.
An unrivaled urgency sets a harsh pace within my chest. If I’m going to save him, it has to happen now. His eyes are pleading. I need time that I don’t have. I wrap my arms around him, bringing my mouth to his ear. “I will get you out of here.” It’s spoken with the barest whisper but he nods. I take his strong, terrified face in mine and press my mouth to his, pouring my promise into the kiss. He clings to me when I draw back. “I promise,” I reassure him. He’s scared, but I can’t stay to comfort him. I need to get my plan rolling and every minute matters.
* * *
Today the Jorogumo pay for all the lives they’ve stolen. The smart move would have been to act during the day while everyone was asleep. But I needed those precious night hours to get everything in order. Fear coated my tongue in acid when I approached the elder chamber. But somehow, despite my fear, I managed to state my plans. I told them Everett was showing signs of the sickness, and that I was going above to find a suitable replacement. The elders never deny fresh flesh. I was dismissed and the hands began ticking on the clock of fate.
Those dark hours passed quickly. It’s late into the day now and the sun burns high in the sky like a warning. My arms ache as I grip another tree, dragging it from the place where I chopped it down and stuffing it into the cave’s entrance. Even with the enhanced strength of Jorogumo’s curse, my body is beginning to deteriorate. I need rest and blood. But there’s no time for either.
I take a moment to admire my handiwork. The entrance to the cave is three-quarters of the way filled with timber. Several large trees take up most of the space. I’ve stuffed branches and bramble into all the gaps in between. There should be just enough space at the top for Everett and me to climb through. I’ll have to carry him in my spider form. He won’t be able to scale the ceiling, and it wasn’t safe to leave him a gap at the bottom. The whole mess of trees and brush could collapse at any moment. It was a much wiser choice to pack it full and leave a sliver empty at the mouth’s peak.
The next bit is the tricky part. People rarely come up here. The signs and disappearances are usually enough to keep people away. Still…my gaze flicks over my shoulder once more, scouring the surrounding area. Once I’m satisfied no one is nearby, I strip. My body shudders as my spider form pushes forth. As much as I despise this curse, I can’t deny a certain sense of freedom when I finally shed my human skin and give in to the demon within.
I stretch my many legs, preparing for the task before me. With the clock still ticking, I begin to spin. My webbing comes out quickly and efficiently. I use the speed and skill of my spider body to race around the cave entrance, covering it as best I can until the brown and green from the trees and foliage turn as white as the top of Mt. Fuji.
It takes me several hours to create a coating thick enough to please me. I’m panting with exertion as I add the final touch, a curtain of webbing to conceal the small opening I’ve left at the top. It’s perfect.
Everett is awake when I creep back inside his chamber. His body is hunched, eyes filled with terror. “You’re up?” I approach him cautiously. Is it my spider form making him so nervous? He’s seen it before, though I’m sure it’s horrifying nonetheless. He looks at me and doesn’t bat an eye. Something else has frightened him, something—
I freeze at the sight of blood on his neck. Two crimson trails trickle down from a very fresh bite mark.Someone was here. “You’re going to be okay.” I rush to his side, unlocking the shackles that have kept him trapped within these dark tunnels of death. “Can you stand?”
A soft thud behind me makes my spine snap straight. The clicking of eight shifting legs follows close behind. Everett’s eyes flick over my shoulder, fear forcing them wide. Someone is still here. They never left.