Rika squirms beneath me. I’ve never felt such power. My senses are heightened, and my strength is unmatched. Every part of my new body is vibrating with energy. The pain that sizzled through my every nerve ending when my human body was ripped apart and transformed is already a distant memory. My instant desire was blood. Hot, fresh, metallic blood. All I could hear inside my scrambled thoughts waseat, bite, feed.
But the second I got close enough to scent Rika, everything changed. My cravings for blood dissipated.Claim, fuck, destroy—conquered all other thoughts. A part of me knows something is wrong. My actions are being driven by something I can’t quite grasp. But the need in me is so real, so undeniable. Whatever calls me to drive my cock into Rika is stronger than what pleads with me to take a step back and think rationally.
“Rika.” I rake my fingers in her dark hair, jerking her head back. “I said shift.”
The temperature of her human body drops. It’s my first clue that she’s obeyed my command. Her cheek is pressed against the floor, but the side that faces the ceiling has already grown three extra red eyes. Her mouth opens in a cry of ecstasy, revealing her lengthened fangs.
“That’s it, little pet. Give me your monster.”
Eight legs rip free from her hips, bending to accommodate her position on the ground. Her lower half darkens and expands. I groan as her body reshapes around my cocks, squeezing and kneading them as her yellow-patterned thorax solidifies. Rika’s moans come unbidden now. The sounds fill the small space, making me even harder within her tight walls. Fucking her in this form is completely different. The way her body moves, feels. There’s no resistance, just the perfect melding of two depraved monsters finding bliss in their eternal hell.
Her yokai form was meant to take me like this. It sucks me in with each thrust. The base of her long body slams against my chest each time I rock into her. Another climax is building inside me, and with the way Rika is mewling and simpering beneath me, she’s headed to the finish line even faster.
My hands glide along her smooth form, finally appreciating her beauty for what it is. My gaze drops to the pulse thrumming through Rika’s exposed neck. Tingling runs along my gums as I experience a thirst like nothing before.Blood. The other voice echoes inside my mind. I’m starving, unhinged, and Rika is the only one that can satiate my hunger. She gasps as I flip her on her back and mount her. Instinct drives my cocks down exactly where they’re needed and Rika cries out in pleasure. Eight legs wrap around my waist pulling me closer. I drop low, desperate to release the ache in my fangs. Rika gives a startled yelp as I drive my fangs into her throat. My mandibles wrap around her neck, holding her in place while I feed.
My first taste of blood is heady and intoxicating. It flows over me like a crimson tide of death and desire. Some part of me knows I need more. Rika is only part human. Her blood is not what will fully curb my cravings, but it will do for now.
Rika’s mewls shift to cries of pleasure as both slits slam tight around me. My body’s reaction is instantaneous. Cum spurts out of both cocks, giving me the mind-blowing sensation that I’m coming double. My fangs slip out of her flesh as I bellow my climax to the night above. Rika moans, her body tightening around me once more before I’m finished. The experience is indescribable.
Fatigue slams into me and I collapse onto the ground nearby. The tan ceiling above spins and darkness creeps across the corners of my vision.
“Everett?” Rika crawls over to me, shifting back into her human form. She pulls my head into her lap, stroking my hair. “Your bloodlust is fading. Just breathe.” I drag in deep lungfuls of air. The scent of it is tainted with sex. A small smile quirks at the corner of my lips.
“I didn’t die.”
Rika gives a small laugh. “No, you didn’t. That, back there...” A slight blush colors her cheeks. “You are very much alive.”
“What about the sickness?” A shot of adrenaline shoots through me as I remember the way the others died.
“I don’t think you were ever sick. All this time, the Jorogumo have been suppressing the curse in their feeders.” The shock is evident in Rika’s voice.
I sit up and face her, noticing my human form has returned. “You think they knew?”
She nods and a hint of that sorrowful girl trapped beneath the ground shines through. “I think they knew. They were selfish. I’m not surprised they let so many die. They would have done anything to keep their secret. But they’re gone now. No more secrets.” Rika’s head drops and I pull her into my lap.
“You did what you had to. You saved me. It was the only way to escape.”
She nods in my hold. Tears slide down her cheeks, landing on my bare chest. Guilt radiates off her like a perfume of despair. In time she’ll see that it was her only choice.
“What do we do now?” She peers up at me.
“What indeed, little pet.” I stroke her hair, silently contemplating our future. “We’re both monsters now. Going back to normal life is not going to be an option.”
“But at least we’re together,” she whispers, and I wrap my arms around her more tightly.
“It’s you and me now.” I tilt her chin up to look at me. “Nothing will ever change that. We’ll figure things out. I promise. Together we’ll find the perfect place. Something fit for two monsters in love.”
The Aokigahara is our home now. Many call it the suicide forest. It is well deserving of the name. The only humans who dare to enter this forsaken place are either suicides or criminals. Those seeking death, or those hiding from the repercussions of their crimes. Rika handles the suicides. She has a way with people. All they know is that a beautiful woman appears in the forest. She speaks with them, taking her time to discover if they truly seek death.
If they change their mind and decide life is worth living, she has one of her tiny spiders give them a little bite and sends them on their way. In the years since we’ve moved in here, the forest has become well known for the venomous spiders that disorient their victims and cause hallucinations. Any ravings about the beautiful woman of the Aokigahara forest will be chalked up to side effects of the venom.