My heart races, sweat beading on my brow. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen this happen. It’s always a true reminder that despite the lies I tell myself each day, I’m living in hell.

A trio of Web Makers work quickly, wrapping his convulsing form until he’s covered head to toe in shimmery white web. I spot Atree among them, her beautiful face contorted in sadness. She’s always been sensitive and kind, so different from the others. The man’s body continues to writhe beneath the cocoon of white now hiding his features.

“She’s here,” Diedra announces and my gaze slides to the cave’s entrance. Mei crawls into view. Her spider form is twice the size of most, with deep red markings across her body and face. Jagged spines run along her thorax and tip the bend of each of her spider legs. Eaters’ faces are the least human of all. Thick mandibles reach forward from her once-beautiful face.

She eyes the freshly wrapped man and races across the room in the blink of an eye. She’s so fast. Her delicate, feminine arms are out of place on her grotesque form. She uses them to lift the cocoon, dragging it feet first toward her awaiting mouth. Her mandibles snap at the air in excitement. She hinges her jaw wide, sliding the man in up to what must be knee height before taking the first bite. His scream rises in pitch and volume, tearing through my sensitive ears. Mei takes her time, sliding him deeper into her mouth, tearing through his flesh and bones until the top of his head disappears from sight. The chamber falls quiet as the man finally dies. I shiver. Being eaten alive is a death more horrific than I can fathom.

Mei bows, bending her two front legs low, before turning to exit the same way she entered.

“I can’t say I’m surprised,” one of the elders says as she passes by our table. “He’s been showing signs of the sickness for days. It was only a matter of time.”

Atree remains where she was, staring at the pool of blood on the floor of the cave. It’s the only evidence down here that the man ever existed.

I turn back to Everett, finding his eyes wider than should be humanly possible. Guilt makes me want to gag. I’d been so enthralled, I hadn’t bothered to think of Everett. I should have shielded him or blocked his view. He shouldn’t have had to witness that. No one should.

A new wave of horror makes my stomach lurch at the realization that no matter what happens with Everett, no matter what feelings I may be developing, he will suffer the same demise when the sickness takes him.

“Well now”—Sibbie rises, dragging Deidra by the wrist—“that was thrilling.”

“You are truly heartless, Sibbie,” Deidra tsks.

Sibbie’s hand snatches out like lightning, gripping Deidra’s face between her fingers. “Don’t you cluck that tongue at me. I have far better uses for it.” My stomach roils as the two fondle each other, their tongues intertwining as if they didn’t just watch a man being eaten alive.

Nilani’s eyes are filled with need as she watches the two. “Bathe him. Feed him.” Her words come out breathily as she joins the others, dropping down to where Sibbie has Deidra pinned to the floor.

Everett’s body is shaking violently beneath me. I unchain his wrists, sliding off of him and dragging him to his feet. His eyes remain wide, mouth hanging open. His skin is as pale as a ghost, and I can’t decide if it’s from the loss of blood or the terror of what he just witnessed. Perhaps both. I bear a majority of his weight as I guide him into the bathing chamber and try my best to ignore the sticky liquid dripping between my thighs. He’s silent as I lower him into the water, not speaking a word even as I clean his wounds and whisper words of reassurance in his ear.

When he’s clean, I carry him back to his room. He still hasn’t spoken. I sit with him, spinning a thick blanket and laying it atop his shuddering form. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to make this right.

His traumatized state does not improve over the next half hour. Eventually I fetch him his meal. His bloody lip quivers as I spoon some broth into his mouth. He drinks the liquid down, but the horror in his eyes remains. Guilt constricts my insides. It’s my fault he’s here. I’m the one who lured him to the cave. I stole his life and guided him into hell with a smile on my face.Monster.

Once the bowl is empty, I rise to stand. Everett’s hand reaches forward, gripping my wrist. “What. What was that?”

My heart thumps a traitor’s tune as I draw his head into my lap.

“That man had the sickness. When a feeder shows signs of the sickness, they’re eliminated. The Eater ensures no traces are left behind. It limits suspicion of missing-persons cases if the bodies are never found. It’s unforgivably cruel, but effective. The Jorogumo will do anything to ensure they,we, are not found.”

“What’s the sickness?”

I don’t want to answer his question, but the truth is the least I can offer him. “The sickness develops after you’ve been fed on too many times. Those with Jorogumo’s curse possess venom. It seeps into your body each time you’re fed upon. Eventually it spoils your blood, drives you mad, and makes you lose control of your body. When that happens, there’s no turning back. The damage is done. The Eater is called in, and a new feeder is found.”

Everett is quiet for a long time. I run my fingers through his thick, dark hair, unease creeping through me as I await his next question.

“And that will happen to me?” Panic notches up my throat as I try to decide how to answer.

“Yes,” I breathe on a sob, unable to lie to him.

“And you’ll let them eat me?” His chest swells with his rapid breaths. He sits up suddenly. “You have to get me out of here. You have to help me escape.”

My heart breaks as he stares at me with so much hope. “Even if I could help you escape—”

“Help him escape?” My spine stiffens at Sibbie’s voice. I twist to look at her. She’s leaning in the archway, a cold smile tugging at her pale lips. Terror snatches the breath from my lungs.

“Sibbie, it’s not—”

“Come here, pet.” Sibbie beckons me with a finger, still smiling. “We have things to discuss.”