Page 81 of Halo

“Never,” Oliver said with a smile, then unzipped his gown and revealed his tight jeans and even tighter T-shirt. He caught Victor staring and laughed. “Yeah. Uh. I don’t have, like, family or anything, so I didn’t bother dressing up under the robe. It’s not like anyone was taking me to dinner.”

Victor’s stomach hurt at the thought of Oliver being so goddamn alone for so long, but Oliver’s voice was just matter-of-fact. Like it was just his life, and he was used to it. “I should have emailed. I should have made plans.”

Oliver scoffed as he dropped his jeans, making Victor’s mouth go dry, revealing a pair of light pink cotton panties that showed off the perfect curve of his ass. Victor’s hands itched to cup those round globes and squeeze them until Oliver was panting and begging for more.

Silence settled between them as Oliver fished out a tank top and a pair of thin, silky shorts with a lace trim. He changed without looking at Victor, and when he finally did gaze over his shoulder, Victor could see uncertainty swimming in his dark eyes.

“You’re more beautiful than I remember,” Victor murmured.

Oliver let out a trembling breath. “Yeah? I mean…you too.” He scraped his lower teeth into his upper lip as he closed the distance between them. “Can I help you undress?”

Victor raised a brow. “I can definitely do that on my own.”

Oliver rolled his eyes. “I know. But I miss doing it. Just…call it my graduation present.”

Victor sucked in a breath, managing a single nod before Oliver was on him. His thin, clever fingers were already undoing the rest of his buttons before Victor exhaled, and by the time he was inhaling, his chest was exposed, and Oliver was working on the zipper and button on his pants.

“Lift up for me,” Oliver murmured.

Victor pressed his hands into the mattress and managed a few centimeters—just enough for Oliver to slide the waistband around his ass and down the backs of his thighs. Victor collapsed back onto the mattress just as Oliver dropped to his knees, and he groaned as he felt hot breath over the front of his boxers, which were tented with how turned on he was.

“Is this a gift for me too?” Oliver asked.

Victor needed a second before he could respond. “If you’d like. But I think pizza and conversation might be a better way to start.”

“Spoilsport,” Oliver complained, but he was smiling, rising higher onto his knees as he draped his arms over Victor’s thighs. Their gazes connected, and Oliver let out the smallest sigh. “I never thought I was going to see you again.”

“You didn’t think I’d come running the second you said it was okay?” Victor asked.

The look on Oliver’s face said that yes, in fact, he hadn’t thought that. He bit his lip, swallowing so heavily Victor could hear it catch in his throat.

He cradled Oliver’s face between his palms, wishing his hands were softer, gentler, because Oliver deserved all the delicacy in the world. “Oh, angel,” he whispered. “How could I not?”

Oliver shook his head, though Victor didn’t think it was a no. “We barely knew each other. I thought I was…I don’t know. Clinging to the first guy who treated me like a person, I guess? But then I missed you so fucking much, and I knew—at least for me—it was real.”

Victor closed his eyes. “I suppose the same could be said for me. When I met you, I was in the middle of realizing that most of the people in my life were only there because of habit. And money. They saw me as weak and pathetic, especially after Alice and Charlie.”

“You’re not though,” Oliver said, his voice tense and strained. “God, you’re anything but.”

Victor managed a smile. “I know. It took me a while to fully believe that, but I do now. And a lot of that was thanks to you. Even when I was at my lowest, you saw someone worth loving.”

“It was impossible not to,” Oliver said with a tiny laugh. He turned his face, nuzzling against Victor’s palm before pressing warm lips to the center. “I fell for you so hard and so fast it scared the absolute shit out of me. Because I meant what I said before.”

“That you won’t fit into my world?” Victor asked.

Oliver’s smile was strained. “You can’t be here to convince me I’m wrong.”

“No,” Victor said. “You’re not wrong.” He went quiet when Oliver winced, clearly hurt. But he couldn’t lie to him. “That world doesn’t deserve you, Oliver. And you wouldn’t deserve the shit they’d give you just for being yourself. But I don’t belong there either.”

Oliver scoffed and tugged on Victor’s collar. “Really?”

Victor grabbed his wrist, then lifted Oliver’s hand and nipped at his fingers. “Looking this good in a suit doesn’t mean I want to be associated with all of those soulless assholes.”

Oliver’s eyes widened with shock. “Looking that good?Really?”

“Tell me I don’t,” Victor said. He felt odd and light and playful, and the expression on Oliver’s face was only making the feeling stronger.

“Holy hell, I’ve created an ego monster!” His angel laughed and surged in to kiss him until Victor’s lungs burned for air. “God,” Oliver murmured, finally pulling away just far enough to be understood. “I can’t believe you’re here.”