Page 64 of Halo

“I want you,” Victor whispered.

There was no way Oliver was going to say no. He rolled onto his side and grabbed Victor’s leg, hooking it over his hip before kissing him. It was filthy this time, wet and messy and unrestrained. Victor sucked in a breath, then moaned loudly as Oliver licked past his teeth and sucked on his tongue.

“I want you to fuck me until I can’t see straight,” Oliver said. He couldn’t let this end sweetly. It had to be raw and rough because he could live with that. He could take that with him and tuck it away in his memory, and it wouldn’t crush him every time he brought it out to look at it.

Victor seemed to understand because his touch turned from gentle to just barely not cruel. His nails clawed at Oliver’s skin as they got his shirt rucked up, and they tugged at his jeans the second Oliver had popped the button and pushed down the zipper. He worked fast as Victor’s trousers, and he cracked his head on the roof of the car, shuffling down to help get Victor’s orthotics off, but soon enough, they were skin to skin with Victor pressed above him and Oliver’s knees shoved up to his chest.

He would have given the world and half the moon if he could have done this without barriers, but that was just as fitting for their goodbye. Victor kissed him savagely, brutally, in ways he hadn’t done before this.

Victor rolled off him, then shoved Oliver over and bunched his panties into one fist, yanking them to the side. Oliver grunted as the elastic dug into the side of his balls, but he wouldn’t move for all the money in the world.

“God, angel. You’re so…” He trailed off on the edge of a groan. “Please tell me I can fuck you.”

Oliver quickly fumbled for the bag he’d packed, and it only took him a second to shove a condom and the bottle of lube into Victor’s hands. “I need to feel you,” he said, his voice trembling. He spread his knees slightly and tucked one up to give Victor better access, and his heart kicked up a notch when he heard the quiet snick of the bottle cap.

“Two fingers,” Oliver begged. “Don’t waste time. I need to feel you inside me, like, yesterday.”

Victor obeyed, and Oliver grunted hard at the burn, but he clenched around Victor as he pushed in, searching until he found Oliver’s prostate and gave it a vicious rub. His head fell back, and he covered his mouth with one hand as Victor stretched him, and then suddenly, Oliver was left empty and panting.

“Please,” he begged. “Please.”

“You’re going to have to ride me,” Victor said with clenched teeth, and Oliver looked over his shoulder to see Victor was shaking with uncontrolled spasms.

Oliver quickly shimmied out of his panties and said a quick prayer that no one was around to see the way the car was bouncing, but any sort of jail time would be worth it so long as he could come with Victor’s cock deep in his ass.

He grabbed the bottle from Victor’s hand, getting the condom-covered dick soaking wet before he slid a leg over his thighs. Reaching back behind him, he took Victor’s cock by the base and held it steady. It was impossibly dark with all the lights off, but in the faint glow of the stars, he could see Victor’s eyes on him, unmoving.

A hand reached up and touched his face just as he lowered himself down and took the head of Victor’s dick past his first ring of muscle.

“Oh,” Victor breathed. “Oh, my angel.”

Don’t, he wanted to beg, but he wouldn’t. As much as it ruined him, he needed to hear that one man saw him that way and meant it. He sank another inch further, listening to the way Victor’s breath came like it was being punched out of him. He clenched down, and his body trembled with Victor’s.

It seemed to take a hundred years, but eventually, Oliver’s ass met the warm skin of Victor’s pelvis, and he fumbled until he could link their hands—palm to palm—and he pressed Victor into the soft bedding.

“Like this?” Oliver asked, squeezing around his thick length and rolling his hips.

Victor let out a sharp puff of air. “More.”

Oliver looked up at the sky and saw three more streaks of light. He rolled his hips again, then lifted and fell back down. Victor groaned deep in his chest.


Oliver picked up speed, still holding their hands together, sharing air, unable to stop looking at the sky as he felt his pleasure rising in him like the tide. Somewhere off in the distance, where he could no longer see this late at night, he heard the rumble-crash of the waves, and his hips unconsciously matched the rhythm of the sea.

Victor moaned beneath him, his head lifting, then falling back against the pillow as he failed to ask for what he wanted. “Please. Please.”

Oliver knew he was close. He could feel him pulsing deep inside him, so he changed the angles of his hips and began to ride him rabbit-fast, chasing the end of this moment because he wasn’t sure how much more he could take.

“Oh,” Victor said aloud, his voice thready and weak. “Oh. Oh.Uh uh uh.” His noises were unbidden and so fucking honest, and finally, Oliver had to close his eyes because he was about to lose it and, for the first time in his life, cry while he was getting fucked.

No. That wasn’t right.

He was going to cry because someone was making love to him for the first time in his life.

Unable to stop it, a sob escaped his chest, and he dropped his head just as Victor’s hips began to move, and Oliver heard the sharp intake of his breath before he let go. The feeling of it—the pulsing, the heat, the angle—sent Oliver right after him. He’d forgotten to put a condom on, so his come splattered all over Victor’s stomach.

Victor made a slight noise of surprise, which turned into a moan, and Oliver felt him pulse with aftershocks, sending more tendrils of pleasure through him. The condom trapped all the hot seed inside him, but it was still a rush.