Page 41 of Halo

He heard his lover for the week make a soft, considering noise, then finally glanced up when Oliver sighed.


“Adorable,” Oliver countered. “But would you think I’m a giant asshole if I tell you that half these places you picked to eat are way overhyped?”

Victor tried and failed to hide a small grin. “Do you know from experience or just from people complaining?”

Oliver let out a soft ha and shrugged. “I have a couple of clients who like to show me off more than they like to fuck me.”

That made Victor feel…strange. Not bad, necessarily. A small part of him wanted to growl and wrap his arms around Oliver and hide him in a way that made it impossible for no one else to get close to him ever again.

But there was another part of him that wanted to see Oliver on display. He wanted the world to see Oliver’s lean body in his bright panties, choking on the realization that he was Victor’s, even if it was just for the moment.

His dick took some interest in that, but luckily not enough to be obvious.

“Did that freak you out?” Oliver asked after a beat.

Victor shook his head. “Has it freaked out your boyfriends in the past?”

Oliver scoffed. “Oh, honey, I haven’t actually had a boyfriend before. At least, not anything serious. Trust me when I say this life and relationships are not compatible.”

Victor wasn’t sure what to say to that, so he just reached out and tugged Oliver close. “Well, I don’t care about the restaurants. I was trying to find something that would make my ex happy. We already did the one thing I cared about.”

“The sex?” Oliver asked, and Victor opened his mouth to correct him but realized that Oliver was teasing. “The aquarium, I know,” Oliver said, more serious.

Victor shrugged. “I know that sounds silly, but—”

“It was fucking wonderful.” Oliver uncurled his arms and cupped Victor’s cheek. “Can I say something wildly off topic?”

Victor raised a brow. “Of course.”

Oliver held his gaze. “I want to get you off.”

Victor made a sharp noise—powerful, wanting. He licked his lips. “Um. Here?”

“Yes,” Oliver said. He didn’t elaborate, but there was obviously some significance to the statement. He just wasn’t sure what. But he wasn’t going to say no, even if Oliver was being opaque.

“Where do you want me?” he managed to ask with his throat so damn tight.

Oliver bit his lip, then did a half turn before taking a breath and saying, “How are you with kneeling?”


Oliver was playing with fire.He was going to set himself ablaze and ruin any chance he had to fall for anyone else. But he couldn’t bring himself to give a single shit. He wasn’t sure how many opportunities like this he’d ever get, and he wasn’t going to waste it.

Victor was different. He created a burning need in Oliver that wouldn’t be ignored.

His idea was a compromise to what he actually wanted. His heart and his dick wanted to drag Victor into his bedroom and have the older man rail him until he was a sobbing mess, but he couldn’t cross that threshold. He needed a space inside his home that wouldn’t make him think of Victor when it was all over.

He watched Victor’s face—saw the heat in his eyes at the suggestion of being on his knees. He didn’t think Victor was particularly submissive, but he could see the man had been desperately deprived of all pleasure during his relationship and probably had been for most of his life.

Oliver was going to fix that.

“I want you to straddle me on the sofa and fuck my mouth.”

Victor answered with a low, rumbling moan as his fingers dug into the waistband of Oliver’s jeans and tugged. Their bodies met in a crash, and Oliver felt the press of Victor’s painfully hard cock against his hip.

“God, you’re so fucking responsive,” Oliver mumbled into a messy kiss.