Page 78 of Halo

Victor laughed softly and shook his head. “You invited me.”

“I…yeah. But you didn’t RSVP.”

Victor’s eyes widened. “You told me not to.”

“Yeah, but—” Oliver stopped abruptly, then burst into laughter that felt suspiciously like tears. “I didn’t think you were going to show.”

Victor took two careful steps toward him, and then he was close enough to touch, though neither of them dared. Not yet. “There wasn’t anything in the world that would have kept me from tonight, angel.”

Oliver’s entire body shook, and he had to wrap his arms around his middle to keep himself steady. “I…what does that mean?”

Victor met his gaze steadily. “I think we should probably talk about it. If you’d like to.”

Oliver laughed again, then let out the smallest sob. “Uh, yeah. Yeah. That would probably be—” He swallowed heavily and turned his head over his shoulder, but Kelsi and Easton were nowhere to be found.

“They made some sort of complicated gesture which probably meant they were giving us time,” Victor said with a small grin. He took a breath, then looked around before saying, “I have a car. And a hotel.”

Oliver bit his lip through his massive grin. “I have a car. And an apartment. For now.”

Victor took one more step closer, and their arms brushed. “I’d love to see your place again, if you’re okay with letting me inside.”

Another sob escaped his chest, and Oliver took a deep breath. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to let you leave this time.”

Victor opened his mouth, then closed it, and Oliver had a feeling he was going to say something about how Oliver was the one who left the last time. But luckily, Victor was too kind for that. Instead, he just nodded. “I don’t think I’ll be able to go.”

“I wanna kiss you so bad.”

Victor blinked rapidly, and then his cheeks went dusky and dark. “Here?”

“Here,” Oliver said. He dropped his arms, then tentatively curled fingers around Victor’s elbows. The crutches brushed the backs of his knuckles, the cool metal soothing. “In front of all these people.”

Victor laughed again, the sound a bit nervous, but he wasn’t pulling away. Instead, he nodded, and he leaned in, and then Oliver’s entire world rearranged with the first press of the warm mouth he’d been missing for so, so long.

Oliver felt like his entire soul was glowing as Victor lifted one arm and wrapped it around him. The handle of the crutch dug into his lower back a little painfully, but he wouldn’t trade it for the world as he opened his mouth and let Victor in to taste him. His tongue was warm and soft, absolutely fucking perfect.

Oliver could die happy right there, but that wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted to live a hundred more years where he got to have exactly this.

“Take me home,” Victor murmured as the kiss broke into soft pecks.

Nodding, Oliver stole one last deeper kiss before releasing Victor and taking a step back. “Follow me? We can come back for your car later.”

Victor snorted. “The university can keep it so long as I’m with you.”

* * *

Oliver managed to keep his shit together as he led the way to his car, which was parked a good half mile from the stadium. Victor didn’t complain once, though Oliver started to feel guilty about it because there was every chance Victor had parked closer in the disabled spots.

He said nothing though, and every time he stole a glance at the older man, Victor just smiled at him like he was happy to be there. It kept Oliver from panicking, though he was on the verge of hysterical laughter or tears—his body couldn’t seem to decide which, and it seemed to change from moment to moment.

When Oliver’s car finally came into view, he heard a strangled noise, and he looked over to find Victor covering his mouth, his eyes bright and shiny in the yellow parking lot lights.

“Oh my God,” he said, panicked. “Are you—”

Laughing. It took him a second to realize Victor waslaughing.

“What the fuck?”

Victor dropped his hand and grabbed his crutch handle, leaning heavily on it. “I never thought I’d see it again.”