Page 37 of Halo

Victor silenced him with a careful touch against his cheek. “I’d never ask you to.” He hadn’t really considered what Oliver might have been exposed to. It never occurred to him to ask, which was probably his own mistake.

Oliver sighed and pushed up on his forearms. “I’ve always tested negative. I’m on PrEP, but that’s not my only form of protection. And if we do fuck, it won’t be bare.”

Victor laughed. It was mostly stress and the fact that this was so new and so…different. This was every quiet fantasy he’d kept tucked away in the shadows for most of his life, and he was reeling at the fact that this beautiful, beautiful angel was about to shine his light on those neglected corners.

He covered his face until Oliver pulled his hands away.

“Are you ashamed of doing this with someone like me? Embarrassed?”

Victor pushed up on his elbows so quickly he almost knocked Oliver off him. “No. Fucking…ofcourseI’m not ashamed. This is just…I’ve never…” He blew out a slow breath. “Sorry, this isn’t easy for me.”

“It’s okay,” Oliver breathed out. He rolled onto his side and pressed his fingers to Victor’s sternum, then drew a line down to the waistband of his boxers, which were outrageously tented. “You’re not a virgin, right?”

Victor flushed. “No, Oliver. I’m not a virgin. But I’ve never—um. I’ve never, with…”

“Oh,” Oliver breathed out as he got what Victor was struggling to say. “I’m your first man.”

Victor licked his lips, nodding as his gaze trailed down the curve of Oliver’s back to the swell of his ass which was still covered by those pink panties. God, he wanted to put his teeth there and bite down. He wanted to feel the rough lace against his tongue. “I’ve known most of my life I’m attracted to men. I just never had the chance to be with one before.”

“And now you have me,” Oliver said.

Victor met his gaze, then traced a touch around Oliver’s lush mouth. “And now I have you.”

“I wasn’t expecting you,” Oliver murmured, then kissed the pad of Victor’s finger.

Victor laughed again, and his head dropped down to the mattress. “Sweet angel, that’s the understatement of the year.”

Oliver giggled along with him, then slid his body up along Victor’s as his hand moved lower. He toyed with the elastic at Victor’s waist. “I think I’m going to jerk you off tonight, okay? I’m very good at it.”

Victor’s cock twitched. Hard. “Ah,” he said as he felt the heel of Oliver’s hand run over his cloth-covered dick. “Ah. Yes. Yes, please.”

Oliver let out a low hum, and then he dragged the heel of his hand over him again, and Victor’s breath caught in his throat.

“Look at you,” Oliver murmured. “Look at you, so fucking hot for it, and I’m barely doing anything.”

Victor felt like he was about to catch fire. “Oliver. Oliver…”

“I know,” Oliver murmured. “I know, sweet thing. You need it.”

Victor opened his mouth to speak again, but all that came out was a broken moan. Something was happening. His belly felt like it was full of fire, and his balls were going tight. His fingers began to tingle and spasm, and he gripped the sheets to brace himself. Oliver dipped his fingers into the boxer slit to touch him, and before Victor could ask him to stop, his lungs let out a hard grunt…

And he came.

His dick pulsed, sending ropes of come into the fabric of his boxers, and his eyes slammed shut as he gasped, his abs twitching with the force of his orgasm. That had never happened to him, ever in his life, and shame quickly eclipsed his pleasure.

He was pretty sure he was going to die from embarrassment at coming so fast, but he slowly regained his composure at the feeling of light, feathery kisses raining down his arm. When his ears stopped ringing, he realized Oliver was murmuring against his skin.

“…was the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen. Oh my God. Victor. My sweet, sweet darling. You’re going to kill me.”

“That was humiliating. Please put me out of my misery,” Victor murmured as he threw both hands over his face.

“Never. That was beautiful,” Oliver argued.

He let out an inelegant yelp when his body was jolted, and he realized Oliver was peeling his boxers away. The feeling of humiliation wouldn’t let up, and he was pretty sure he was seconds away from catching on fire from the heat of his blush, but he couldn’t keep himself from peering through his fingers.

Oliver was kneeling over him, staring down at his limp, half-hard cock, which was nestled in the mess covering his pubes. “I wish I could lick you clean.”

Victor’s dick gave a half-hearted twitch, and Oliver sucked in a breath before curling his fingers around it and holding it tight in his fist. Victor had never been touched like that—like he was worth something. Not once in his entire life.