Page 8 of Forever Midnight

I jog down the street, hoping to catch up with Midnight and his friend, and spot them several blocks away just as they slip into a sleek black sports car of some kind. Interesting. I wonder what they were doing down here. Are they vigilantes of some kind? A new crime family, or just your run-of-the-mill criminal troublemakers?

The car speeds away, leaving me filled with questions and a renewed obsession to learn the answers to them. Something tells me I’m playing with fire, but when has that ever stopped me?

* * *

The next morning, I’m awoken by a soft knock on my door. I groan, pulling the blankets over my head, but a second knock comes.

“Come in,” I moan.


I tug the blanket down to smile at my mom. She looks beautiful as usual, with her long black hair tucked up and a cute sheath dress on.

“Hey, Ma.”

“I’m meeting Pilar for brunch. Why don’t you join us?”

I stretch, considering the idea of eating at some fancy place. “Nah.”

My mom walks over and sits on the edge of my bed, rubbing my arm. “We’re meeting on campus. She wants me to try the new Persian restaurant.”

I perk up at that. “Oh. Not the country club?”

Mom chuckles. “No. Come on. Your sister wants to see you.”

Nodding, I sit up. “Okay, Ma, I’ll come.”

Her face lights up. “Good. You have thirty minutes to get dressed.”

“I’m on it.”

After she leaves my room, I slide out of bed and head to my en suite bathroom. No one would believe that our affluent little family in our perfect house in the best neighborhood is on the verge of disaster, but here we are.

Every day, I wait to hear the news that it’s all blown up and Lucia’s secret has been exposed, but so far so good. It’s just that damn clock ticking in the back of my mind that makes it impossible to feel comfortable. The sooner I get to the men making her life hell, the better for all of us.

Twenty-five minutes later, I smile at our driver and slip into the back seat of the Rolls-Royce next to my mom.

“Have you heard from Lucia?” I ask.

My mom’s happy smile dims for a moment. “Yes. She’s doing well. Still progressing.”

“Good.” I bite my bottom lip, staring out the window as we pass by all the pristine buildings and clean streets that couldn’t contrast more with the seedy side of New Onyx I inhabit at night. Thank fuck for Midnight and his friends saving me that night. I can’t be the cause of family tragedy. Lucia already has that market cornered.

“Maybe we can see her for the holidays,” Mom adds on. “If she keeps improving.”

“That would be nice.”

And it would be. I love my sister, but she really fucked up. More than my mom or dad even know. That’s why it’s on me to make sure they never find out.

My mom reaches for my hand, squeezing it gently. “But let’s focus on Pilar. She’s doing so well in school.”

“Yeah. Dad couldn’t make it?”

“He had to cover for a judge who fell sick.”


“Yes, but Pilar will still be excited to see you there.”