Page 88 of Pride

Zé’s expression is stony. He likes to be where I am. Not because he craves power, but because he believes that he’s the best person to protect me—especially if I decide to go rogue. He’s not wrong, but the last word on my safety is mine.

“Bancroft took a big risk,” he says, prevailing to my good sense, which is in short supply these days. “Only desperate men take that kind of risk. You need backup.”

“Find me some guards you trust. I need you here. There’s too much happening for us both to be out of the country.”

“Zé’s right,” Lucas adds, because he can never mind his own damn business.

This is exactly why I’m often reluctant to get Antonio’s team involved.

“What part of I’m former Mossad don’t you two understand?” Tamar demands, staring down Lucas and then Zé. She has them by the balls.

It’s something to watch, and I bite the inside of my cheek to stop a grin.

“You were a tech specialist,” Zé replies, and from the look she just gave him, I’d say it’s going to be a cold day in hell before he gets laid again.

“And you know so much about Mossad training that you’re certain I can’t protect an asset?”

With her focus off him, Lucas is almost as entertained by this as I am.

I turn to Tamar, dialing up the heat on the hot water Zé’s in. “I know nothing about Mossad training, but I have no doubt you can protect me should it come to that. But it’s not going to come to that,” I say pointedly at Zé, “because I know how to protect myself.”

He doesn’t say a word, but he’s steaming.

“When we’re through here, take the rest of the day off,” I tell Tamar. “Our flight leaves at five a.m. We meet with Bancroft first thing in the morning. Noelia is trying to set up meetings with a couple distributers later in the morning or early afternoon. We’ll leave the US by midafternoon. It’ll be a quick trip.”



I’m finishing breakfast when my phone vibrates with a message. I turn it over, hoping it’s Rafael telling me he’s on his way up and wants me naked when he gets here.

It’s not him, but it’s Valentina. I smile. Maybe I was foolish to worry that my relationship with Rafael would change things between us.

Valentina: I need to talk to you. Can you meet me at my apartment?

I need to talk to you. She sounded less stressed when I last spoke with her, but it was a quick call, and we spent most of the time discussing Rafael.

Lexie: Sure. What time?

Valentina: ASAP. Please don’t tell Rafael.

Don’t tell Rafael? Are we going to start this so soon? It’s bad enough I’m hiding the stuff about the trafficking ring from him. I don’t want to keep any other secrets. This isn’t some huge secret, Lexie. He doesn’t need to know everything you do.

Lexie: On my way.

I tell Sabio on my way out that I’m going to Valentina’s. I don’t ask him not to tell Rafael, because I don’t expect him to go blabbing. He can see the doorway from here, and there’s a guard stationed outside Valentina’s apartment too.

As soon as I knock, Valentina opens the door and pulls me inside. Her eyes and nose are red, and her cheeks tear-stained. This is not good. “What happened, sweetheart?”

She begins to sob, and I pull her into a hug. “Tell me. Maybe I can help.”

“Marco left.” She sniffles.

I pull back so I can see her face. There are dark circles under her eyes that I didn’t notice when I came in. Even through the tears, I can see she hasn’t slept.

This better not have anything to do with Marco leaving her in the US and going off unexpectedly.

“He moved out?”