Page 75 of Pride

“What do they have to gain by doing something like this?” I need more specifics, because it doesn’t make sense that they’d take this kind of risk.

“It’s disruptive at this stage, right before the launch. Could cause a rift in your relationship with Valentina, who is a principal. I’m sure there are dozens of other things we haven’t thought about yet,” Cristiano replies.

“All we have is a preliminary finding,” Tamar cautions. “We need some more time to do due diligence.”

“Agreed,” Lucas adds.

It would have been nice to know this before I stuck my foot up Marco’s ass. But I don’t say a word, because Tamar’s tech skills are mind-blowing, and Lucas’s are even stronger. I put them under an impossible deadline. There was no damn choice.

“I’m going up to my apartment.” To lick my wounds from this colossal fuckup. And to lose myself in the woman I depend on for comfort, more than I’d like—certainly more than I’d ever admit to anyone. I can barely admit it to myself.

“If you find anything more tonight, let me know.”



“Where are you?” Valentina asks, breathless, before I say hello.

“I’m in the building,” I reply, buying myself some time to think. Rafael doesn’t care if I tell her about us, and as much as I want to tell her, a small part of me is worried about coming clean. Once she knows, it could get weird. The last thing I want is for my relationship with her to change. “How was dinner?” I ask, hoping to distract her.

“It was a hoot. My sisters called out my father, left and right, all evening. Politely, of course. It was a beautiful thing.”

I laugh, imagining the three little girls, with big personalities, bossing around Antonio.

“My mother sends her love and said to tell you that she expects you to come to dinner next time.”

“I’m in.” By then everyone will know about Rafa and me, and I won’t have to lie.

“I was just at the apartment to grab my laptop so I can work from home in the morning,” she says matter-of-factly. “I didn’t see you or your laptop. Are you working in the coffee shop?”

I should have known Valentina wouldn’t let it drop. She isn’t easily distracted.

No. I take a deep breath. “I’m at Rafa’s apartment.”

She sounds in a hurry, and I might have been able to ward off more questions if I’d used a casual tone. But the words emerged in a voice that sounded guilty as sin.

There’s a long silence that makes my mouth dry.

“Is that where your laptop is too?”


“What about your makeup?”

“It’s here,” I admit, the blood rushing in my ears.

“What’s going on, Lexie?” she asks softly, concern woven around every word.

Just tell her. Spit it out and be done. “I’m staying at Rafael’s while I’m in Porto.”

“With him?”

I blow out a breath. “Yes.”

“Tell me everything.”

You don’t want to hear everything. Trust me. “We got together the night of your wedding.”