Page 59 of Pride

Premier is Valentina’s company too. She’s entitled to any legal share of the profits, and she can certainly set up whatever accounts she wants, wherever she wants. But this isn’t like her. Besides, eight thousand euros? She probably spent more than that on shoes last month. It doesn’t make sense.

“Did you ask her about it?”

“I asked her about it after we last met. She said that she didn’t make any withdrawals. So I kept looking, and then I found the account.”

“Any other name on the account?”

He shakes his head. “No. But from what I was able to garner, her husband is the beneficiary.”

Her husband is the beneficiary. I would expect Marco to be the beneficiary of any account in Valentina’s name that was set up after they were married. But still, it sets my teeth on edge.

“It’s all the information I could get without involving the authorities,” he continues. “I didn’t want to do that without consulting you first.”

Jesus Christ. The last fucking thing I need is the tax authorities with their noses in our business. “I appreciate it. Don’t contact anyone, and don’t say a word about it to anyone—including Valentina. If she says she didn’t withdraw the money, she didn’t. I don’t want to worry her needlessly until we know more about it.”

“I agree,” he replies. “I don’t want to speak out of school, but money doesn’t seem to be an issue for her. She’s very generous. A significant portion of her monthly salary goes to the women’s shelter, in her grandmother’s name. Apparently she matches a contribution made by her friend, Ms. Clarke. It’s supposed to be confidential, but under the circumstances I think you should know. She’s a lovely young woman, and I haven’t ever known her to be anything but honest.”

You don’t need to defend her to me.

A warmth sets in my chest. Lexie and Valentina. Frick and Frack, carrying the torch of the previous generations. Thankfully they’re only donating money and not ferrying women to safety in the dead of night.

I don’t care about the money, but I do care about an account in Valentina’s name that she didn’t create. “I’m going to get in touch with Tamar Sorin. You know Tamar, right?”

“Yes. Of course. The head of IT.”

“I want you to turn over everything you have to her regarding the withdrawal and the account. Tell her everything you know. She’ll take it from there.”

He nods.

“She’s just upstairs. Can you stick around until she arrives?”

“I’ve been here all night, checking and rechecking. Staying a little while longer is not a problem.” He stands to leave. “I want you to know that you can count on my complete discretion in this matter.”

“I’ve never had any concerns about your honor or loyalty, Henry. I consider myself fortunate that you’re on the team.” Even when your exactness makes me crazy.

After he’s gone, I call Tamar. “I hope you weren’t planning a romantic evening. We have a problem that needs to be addressed immediately.”

“What is it?”

“A relatively small withdrawal was made from a Premier account. The money was traced to an offshore account in Valentina’s name. Marco is the beneficiary.” The words leave a sour taste in my mouth.

She’s quiet for a moment. I hired her, but technically she works for Valentina too. And they’re friends. But Tamar is a professional. I wouldn’t involve her if I didn’t have complete confidence that she’ll do whatever needs to be done, however unpleasant.

“Have you spoken to Valentina about the money?”

“She didn’t make the withdrawal. And she will not know about the investigation until I’m ready to tell her. Do we understand each other?”

“I follow orders, Rafael.”

“Henry Fausto has the details. He’s waiting for you in his office.”

“I’ll be right down.”

“I need you to dig deep and follow the tunnel wherever it leads. Wherever, Tamar. It could get messy.” With any luck, it won’t. But who would open an account in Valentina’s name? There’s only one person I can think of. Too early to be pointing fingers at Marco, Rafael. Way too early.

“I was Mossad,” she replies. “It doesn’t get messier than that.”

Ordinarily I would agree. But this has the potential to destroy my relationship with Valentina. Just the thought of it sickens me.