‘Katie,’ I said, lost for words.
She was a vision in a sweet, knee length dress and tan leather boots, a scarf wrapped around her neck and mirroring the autumnal hues that had swept the outside world.
She held out the pizza, offering it up to me with pink in her cheeks. ‘Sorry, it’s not much, but I didn’t know what else to bring.’
I took it from her before placing it down on the low wall next to the steps.
‘You didn’t need to bring anything.’ I’d had a thousand different things I’d wanted to say to her, but with her in front of me, my brain may as well have been made entirely from cotton wool.
‘Can we start again?’ she asked.
I smiled and nodded my head. ‘Yes. God, yes, we can.’
She offered out her hand and I leaned forward to take it. ‘Hi, I’m Katie, it’s nice to meet you.’
‘Mac. Pleasure’s all mine. Do you want to come in? I could make some coffee?’
Her fingers were warm where I still held them, possibly for the longest handshake known to man. I didn’t want to let her go.
‘Yes, please.’ Her dimples showed as she skipped up the stairs. At long last, my girl was back. Scarred more than she had been, but no longer crushed under the weight of damaged men. I hoped I could keep that smile on her face for as many years as she’d let me.
Closing the door behind her, I was surprised to be slammed against it. Katie’s mouth closed over mine as she feverishly sought my tongue, moaning when I gave it to her. Her kiss was pure fire, and the heat flowed through me, burning me up inside. I pushed a hand up into her hair and tugged firmly to open her mouth further, seeking my redemption within it. Her scent wound itself around me, apples and cinnamon, and I inhaled deeply as I lost myself in her.
‘Sorry,’ she said as the pink in her cheeks intensified. ‘I just really needed to do that.’
‘Never apologise for kissing me. It will always be something I crave. I mean, it’s a little forward when we’ve just met and all...’
She laughed and took me by the hand as I grabbed the pizza before leading her through to the kitchen, making a coffee while barely taking my eyes off of her. I couldn’t risk her disappearing as suddenly as she’d arrived.
‘How are you?’ I asked as I sat on the bar stool next to her, our knees clashing as we faced one another, our coffees abandoned on the counter.
‘I’m doing better. It’s been rough, but I finally feel much more myself than I have in a very long time.’
My muscles relaxed as she spoke, weeks of long tension lifting with every word. ‘I’m so glad to hear that. I’ve missed you.’
‘I’ve missed you, too. I’m sorry I didn’t stay in touch, but there were messages coming from everywhere and each new one felt like an overload on my brain. I needed to escape it all to piece back what was left of my life, and what I wanted to keep.’
Running a thumb over the back of her hand, I held her gaze. ‘Did I make the cut?’
‘With flying colours. Where else will I find someone who will fuck me in the dirt before making me a sandwich?’
‘I really enjoyed both activities,’ I said, taking her fingers to my mouth and kissing them lightly. ‘Why do you smell like pineapple?’
‘Oh, I pinched a few bits off of the pizza on the drive over. I didn’t think you’d mind.’
‘Mind? That you are removing fruit from pizza?’
‘I thought you liked it. You brought it over to me that night...’ her voice died off as she raised her eyebrows. ‘I guess one pro of my boyfriend being an ex-stalker is that you know what I want. I don’t even know the first thing about what you’d want on your pizza.’
‘There’s plenty of time to learn all about me.’
She’d called me her boyfriend, and it made me tingle all fucking over.
‘Do we need to wait a certain amount of time before it’s acceptable for me to sit in your lap?’ she said, before biting her lower lip and widening her eyes.
‘Get your arse over here, sweetness.’
I pulled her into my lap and claimed her mouth as her skirt rode up over her thighs. She wrapped her legs about my waist as I explored her with my hands, still not quite believing she was finally mine.