My breathing was ragged as I thrust my dick back into my pants, shame creeping over me in my post nut clarity.
What the hell was wrong with me?
Even with disgust creeping through my veins, I knew that I’d be back. Watching, waiting, and deciding what to do about her. Or about him.
Deciding whether to put my desires into action and breach her home, to show her she needed better than the half-life Tommy was giving her.
The zip caught on my perfectly curled hair as I struggled behind my back to fasten it fully. Heat flushed my cheeks as I scrunched my eyes shut, trying to get another millimetre or two higher with my lower hand. I let out a breath of relief as I finally grasped the sweaty little piece of metal with my other hand and pull it up to the top.
Smoothing my hands over my hips before turning to the left and then the right, I smiled. The dress fit like a glove and filled me with confidence. The black halter dress hugged my figure and fell to the floor, covered in a cascade of tiny, sparkling golden stars. I’d spent a long time with Macey picking out one that I hoped Tommy would adore.
One last check of my face left me certain that I looked the part. Looked fit to be on a rockstar’s arm at his new album release party. Looked right to be splashed over the tabloids the following day without a thousand comments about why is he withher? Who was I kidding? His fans would post them even if I was a bloody supermodel.
I found Tommy in the hotel lobby, pacing nervously with an open bottle of whiskey on the reception desk. A few eyes turned my way, and I smiled as a reception manager’s mouth literally hung open.
Yes, that was the validation I needed.
Tommy’s eyes slid up from my heel-clad toes to my face, and I waited at the foot of the stairs, on bated breath.
He came toward me, his eyes softening briefly before hardening as he neared me.
‘Are you trying to fucking embarrass me?’ he said under his breath, looking like he was kissing my cheek.
‘What? No. Don’t you like the dress?’ My stomach knotted as he reached out and gripped me painfully at the hips.
‘The dress is fine. It’s you who’s ruining it. Look at all this blubber. You think a man like me can date a fucking whale?’ Heat filled my face as I let out a pained cry, his fingers digging into my love-handles. ‘You need to do better.’
His words cut great hot wounds into me as the room imploded around me. The looks from others had gone from admiring to pitying. Their gazes only making Tommy’s comments all the worse.
‘I’m sorry,’ I said, trying to hold back the hot tears that gathered at the edge of my lashes. I didn’t want to go out with tear streaked makeup running down my cheeks. The paparazzi would have a field day with that.
‘Just stop eating like a fucking pig, Katie. It’s not difficult.’
‘I don’t. I’m not any bigger than I was.’
‘And that’s the fucking problem, isn’t it? I took a chance on you because you had potential. But you refuse to put the work in. You could be so pretty. So perfect, Katie, if you tried. Don’t I deserve that? Deserve the best?’
I swallowed down the lump in my throat and nodded. ‘You do. You deserve the best.’
‘I know.’ He tipped my face up toward his and kissed me softly, almost tenderly. Wiping away the harshest part of the sting he’d inflicted on me.
‘Now put on a pretty face instead of that scowl and let’s get going. My fans won’t wait.’ Tommy let out a cheerful laugh. ‘Well, they will. Because why wouldn’t they wait for a piece of this?’
I followed behind him, his fingers clammy in my own as I plastered a smile onto my face.
Tommy sat at the other end of the limo’s rear seat as we approached the venue, utterly ignoring me. I’d tried to pull him down next to me, but he’d made space between us and maintained it throughout the journey through Glasgow’s busy streets.
Nausea clung to me as the crush of fans and photographers swelled outside of the car as we pulled to a stop.
‘Tommy,’ I said, reaching out as he scooted toward the door..
‘Just don’t embarrass me.’ He couldn’t even meet my eyes.