Page 3 of Dark Obsessions

And just like that, I melted into that hope, as I always did.

He held onto my waist gently the entire way down the elevator and into the underground car park where his car waited for us, his bodyguard and driver in the front.

I relaxed as we approached the car, glad that nothing had gone wrong at Cam’s party and hoping for an uneventful night once Tommy had inevitably fallen asleep on the drive back to Glasgow.

As we got near the hood of the black car, he spun me, grabbing my face in his hands as I cried out.

‘Tommy. Stop.’

He pushed me back against the car and shoved his fingers up my skirt, pulling my underpants down and thrusting two fingers painfully inside me. I tried to push his hand away, but he held me in a vise grip.

‘Stop fighting it, baby. You know better that to deny me what I want. I always get what I want.’

‘I don’t want to. Not here, not like this.’

‘All you have to do is lay there and take it.’

‘Someone might see.’

‘I bet that would make your pussy wet, at least.’

He flipped me over and pressed my stomach into the car’s bonnet, hoisting my dress up over my ass and pinning my arms painfully behind me. As he opened the condom wrapper, there was a moment of relief from the pressure, but it quickly returned as he pinned me to the black metal.

Then he was there, still soft and trying to force his flaccid dick into me. Not caring that I wasn’t wet, nor that I didn’t want it like that, even if he could go through with it. As he always did. I’d ignored it in the beginning, his focus never being on my pleasure, as I was so glad to be away from my father and living under Tommy’s apparent hedonistic glow. I thought maybe it would come later, as he fell for me. I’d reassured him that there were other things we could do, or just not worry about sex, but he’d refused to touch me intimately. It was all about trying to fuck me. And when he couldn’t, his fury only amplified.

‘Please stop,’ I whimpered. The driver and the bodyguard sitting in the front seats at least had the decency to avert their eyes.

Tommy grunted as he thumbed himself inside me, and I zoned out, leaving my body to his use while I let my brain flee. Leaving him to keep trying until he got frustrated enough to pull himself off of me and stagger into the car.

All I wanted was for him to love me.

And I had to take whatever crumbs he was willing to give me.



Watching Katie sandwiched between her douchebag boyfriend and the wall made me want to walk over and rip his god damned balls off.

Watching him thrust his hand up her skirt and her face contort in pain had me itching to separate his head from his body.

It wasn’t my place.

Every time I saw them, I had to remind myself that it wasn’t my place to interfere. She chose him. She wanted him.

But I couldn’t stop watching her, whether or not it was right.

When Tommy moved off, she took a moment to compose herself before her eyes lifted to mine, holding my stare for a moment as her eyebrows quirked.

I should have looked away, but I wanted her to see me. To realise that she wasn’t alone. To know that I missed the bubbly, delicious woman I’d so briefly met the previous year.

When her eyes held mine, the world slowed around me, my heart squeezing inside my chest and my breath hitching. Because fuck, I wanted her to notice me, too.

Then she blinked away, and her hold on me relaxed a second, allowing me to move around the corner and breathe more easily.

The babble of voices around me left me looking for an escape, and I made my way to the balcony, gulping in the cooler air as I stepped out.

Being near Katie was suffocating. All-consuming. And I needed to stop putting myself in the position where I had to watch Tommy be a dick to her. She was eroding right before my eyes, and it pained me to witness it. I’d kill for one of her sweet smiles. Which was insane. She was my sister’s sister-in-law. Fuck all to do with me. What had we ever shared? Barely a word. A few smiles and pleasantries. So why did I feel like she’d captured a part of me and that I needed her to get it back? It wasn’t healthy. I needed to quit my obsession.