Page 75 of Dark Obsessions

Chris’s eyes were wide and watery as he gagged on his own flesh, vomit breaching between my fingers as I held them over his mouth.

The clang of the vat lid on the floor had us in action. Logan and I manhandled Chris over to the tank as he whimpered and cursed. His pleading did nothing to dissuade me from his fate. The acid was murky, floating flesh and bones visible below the surface. I covered my nose at the smell before tipping Chris on his chair to see the scene below him.

‘Let me go! Let me fucking go.’

‘See that body? That was Tommy’s doing. He killed him. It’s poetic really that your last breath will be inhaling his flesh into your fucking lungs.’

Chris’s face was puce as he struggled against the bonds on the chair.

‘Say hi to Tommy for me. He’ll be joining you in hell soon enough.’

We slid him into the liquid, his screams intensifying as his skin bubbled.

Then he slid below the surface, his screams cut off as his mouth filled with acid. Stepping down from the vat, I leaned heavily against the side.

‘Fucking hell,’ I said, closing my eyes.

‘You did a good thing, Mac. He deserved it.’

‘Let’s go get Katie.’




My head spun when I woke up, no longer feeling the movement of the car beneath me. My muscles were stiff and aching as I sat up, feeling the scratchy blankets beneath me. The room I was in was dark, with nothing but a small lamp illuminating one corner.

Tommy was nowhere to be seen. There was nothing to see.

As I stood, I took in the stained, filthy mattress I’d been on, the blankets strewn over it. It sent a shudder through me, making my skin itch.

The lamp was light in my hand as I lifted it and used it like a torch, illuminating the walls. Along one wall there was a series of polaroid pictures, and I moved closer to look at them before stumbling back.

The pictures showed women. Multiple women in various states of undress, all with red eyes and tear tracks down their faces. Then there were pictures of them bloodied, beaten, or dead. My hand trembled as I put the lamp down and steadied myself against the wall.


Tommy wouldn’t have taken me there if he intended for me to live.

How had I missed it?

I’d known he was a bit of an asshole, but to be a killer? Hell, I’d never even suspected it.

Panic rose as I searched the room, pulling open the drawers of the desk, finding necklaces, underwear and locks of hair. I dropped them in disgust as I saw the same necklaces and underwear on the women in the pictures.


Moving to the far side of the room, I yanked the handle on the door. It didn’t budge. Sweat wetted my neck as I ran my hand over a window in the wall. It was cool to the touch, but nothing but black lay beyond. I banged against it and screamed, trying to find a way out. I had to get out.

I didn’t want to die.

Time passed slowly as I paced the room, eventually giving up and curling up in one corner, far from the soiled mattress. My fingers went to my bracelet, twirling the beads as I tried to calm my breathing.

It was hopeless.

I could only hope that Mac and Cam would look for me. That they could find me. But how? They didn’t know Tommy. How would they know where he’d put me? I could be anywhere.