Page 6 of Dark Obsessions

‘And if it doesn’t, then she deserves it for abandoning you,’ Erica said.


‘Well, it’s true. Being hurt by your mum stings. Mums are supposed to protect you.’ Erica wasn’t wrong, but it was yet another sore topic that I didn’t need drilling home.

‘Did you hear that Ewen McGowan’s club is having a refurb and reopening?’ I needed a mood lightener, and a mafia owned sex club was the perfect distraction.

‘I did. It’s super exclusive, though, right?’ Macey placed her chin in her hand as she spoke.

‘It is. Maeve can probably get me in. Do you guys want to go?’

Erica laughed. ‘I have no desire to see you two getting it on with anyone.’

‘I’m not sure it’ll be like that on opening night. Plus, I’ll be with Tommy, so won’t be doing anything like that.’ Even if I wanted to.

Erica’s eyebrows lifted at the mention of Tommy going. ‘I guess I can check the diary. As long as we all go together. I don’t want to be ditched in a club full of randy randos.’

‘Count me in too. I’ve never been somewhere like that. You don’t think people will be full on going at it, do you?’ Macey’s cheeks pinked at her words.

‘I’ve no idea. But there is an open bar, so it can’t be all bad.’ I shrugged and took another sip of my coffee before a tingle crept up the back of my neck.

I lifted my eyes to the street facing windows before scanning the cafe. No-one was paying me any attention. The tingle remained, a whisper of a warning, but with nothing solid to make it real. I shivered and put my cup down as I tried to shake off the feeling.

‘You okay? Macey asked, her brow furrowing as she watched me.

‘Yeah, I just had that feeling you get when someone is watching you.’

My friends looked around before Erica smiled, ‘We’re hot, of course people will be looking.’

If only I had an ounce of her self-belief.

With one last glance around the busy room, I sighed and gave my shoulders a shake.

‘It’s nothing. Maybe I’m just tired.’

It had been happening frequently in the past few weeks, the feeling of being prey. Vulnerable. I’d considered that maybe Cam had put his guys tailing me, but Maeve had assured me otherwise. Could Tommy have someone watching me? I didn’t think so. He was far more concerned with his safety than mine. Unless he thought I was cheating?

I doubted he cared enough about me to worry about me cheating. He could replace me with a thousand other women at the click of his fingers.



I watched as Katie’s pretty face lifted and scrunched with concern as she looked around the cafe. The seat near the door, behind some leafy plants, hid me well, and her eyes didn’t fix on me as they flitted from face to face.

Following her was stupid. Immature. Hell, kind of creepy.

But I couldn’t help it. After the painful discussion at the hospital with my siblings to select the date to say goodbye to Dad, I needed an escape. And like it or not, Katie had become my safe haven. A balm to my frayed nerves.

The more I watched her, the more impossible it was to look away.

I didn’t intend to follow her home after the day had dipped to nightfall.

Or to park through the woods and stalk her to her kitchen. Yellow light bathing the dark grass a few feet from where I lurked, leaning against the roughened bark of an ancient tree.

Cameron had been right. Her house was woefully protected. If it didn’t serve my own purposes so well, I’d badger Maeve into getting Cam to fix it. But for now, I’d use the lack of protection for my own immoral purposes.

Just to watch.