Page 5 of Dark Obsessions

Tommy’s men sat in the car, trying their hardest to look anywhere except at Katie. Their inaction and lack of reaction told me that Tommy acting like that wasn’t out of the ordinary. Undoubtedly, not just with Katie either.

Her body went limp beneath him, her eyes glazing as she waited for him to finish. There was no moaning, no writhing, no gasps or sweet nothings. It was like she wasn’t even there.

Fury engulfed me.

Why was she with him when he treated her like a piece of shit? She finally had freedom from her abusive father after my sister had killed him, and she was squandering it on a guy who treated her like a flesh light.

I needed her to see that she deserved more.

That whatever was going on in her head that made her accept his treatment was wrong.

I had to show her what she could have. Fuck, not even with me. I was no saint. But I could show her that Tommy was trash.

I’d give Katie her fire back. Bring back that bubbly, sweet thing that had bounded into my life when Maeve married Cam.

I would show her she deserved more. Whether or not she wanted it.

Barely a minute later, Tommy stumbled away from her, his steps uneven as he took his drunk ass and dropped it into the car.

And for a moment, I saw Katie in all of her glory, splayed over the car, sending warring emotions battling through me. Rage at the way Tommy treated her, a need to kill the stupid fuck who had no idea how wonderful the woman he was wrecking was, and unadulterated lust. I wanted nothing more than to lose myself between her thighs until she screamed my name.

Instead, I did nothing.

Said nothing.

Just kept watching.



Erica bundled into the cafe, arms laden with shopping bags right as the server delivered our coffees. She smiled sweetly before plonking herself in the seat beside Macey.

‘It’s been forever since we last saw you,’ Erica said, battling her shopping bags into submission under the table.

‘Yeah, I’m sorry. Just been busy doing up the house.’ I dipped my eyes to the top of my cup, focusing on the way the chocolate dusting was melting into the hot, foamy milk.

‘Yeah right, more like all wrapped in that hunk of a man of yours. I saw the pictures from the music awards, man you both looked incredible.’

Macey rolled her eyes as Erica waxed lyrical about Tommy again. At first, it had been fun, having a celeb boyfriend who my friends drooled over. It was an accomplishment of sorts. But after months of her comments about him, it was getting old. If he wasn’t famous, there was no way she’d talk about him the way she did.

‘God, you must have jumped him the minute you got him home.’ Erica let out a laugh as she waggled her eyebrows. ‘Or before?’

‘We’ve been together for well over a year. I don’t need to jump him every five minutes.’ Maybe I should tell her how it really was? How, in reality, he wanted me to lie there and be quiet while he attempted to fuck me. That when I moved to touch myself, he’d shift so I couldn’t. That his dick didn’t work, with me at least. Tell her I looked at so many other guys, normal guys, and wished Tommy looked at me like they looked at their partners. The excitement had suckered me in, but why did I stay? Scampering around on my hands and knees collecting up any crumbs of kindness that he occasionally scattered my way.

I was lonely.


But I needed him more than he needed me.

‘I’m surprised you ever let him leave the bed,’ Erica said before taking a mouthful of her coffee.

‘Anyway,’ Macey said, working to change the subject, ‘How are things with your mum?’

‘Still awkward. Cam’s stepped back into a relationship with her, but I find it so difficult. I know she had to leave us to get away from Dad, but it doesn’t hurt any less. I want to accept her now that she’s back, but it’s like there’s a block.’ She’d left when Cam and I were kids, before our father either drove her mad or put her in a grave, but it had left us completely at his mercy. He’d looked for her initially, but if she’d taken us, my father wouldn’t have stopped until she was dead. Understanding her reasons didn’t make forgiveness any easier. My father had made Cam do terrible things to toughen him up, and hurt us both endlessly over the years. I just couldn’t put it aside, even if Cam could.

‘It’ll come. It’ll just take some time.’ Macey reached out and touched my arm, giving me a soft smile.