Page 60 of Bring It On

“I was just thinking that if we’d met in person first, we’d probably have jumped into bed immediately.”

I loved his laugh. “And that’s a bad thing?”

“Not necessarily. Just. . . we got to know each other first this way. I like that.”

“I know what you mean. I like that too. And I like watching you put makeup on by the way. In case you haven’t figured that out yet.”

He did pull out then, more’s the pity.

“I have. Although now we’re going to have to do a walk of shame into the restaurant. No way Lucas and Charlee won’t have figured out what went down.

“And that’s a problem because. . .”

He was right. “I guess it’s fine. But we really should get ready though.” I looked down at my poor underwear.

“Sorry about that, Zoe girl. You may have to stock up on lace thongs with me around.”

“If there’s one thing you don’t have to apologize for, it’s ripping off my undies.” I picked up the torn thong and tossed it in the trash. “That was freaking hot.”

“In that case, we’re gonna need to put a lingerie run on our itinerary for the week.”

That was something else we hadn’t talked about.

“So you’re staying for at least the week?” I couldn’t resist. “Then what?”

“That”—he kissed my forehead—“is yet to be determined. Do you want me to stay the week?”

“Very much.”

“In your place?”


“Alright, then that’s settled. You’ve got me for at least a week.”

It would have to do.

But I wanted more. Much more.

I wanted. . . forever.



As the conversation swirled around me, I tried to follow. But when a waiter dropped his tray behind us, the loud noise it made talk of Fall Festivities and Kitchi Falls Pride Week fade away as I envisioned the attack. We’d been ambushed, and though our training had gotten us out of the situation quickly, I could still feel the bullet entering me as if it were happening this very second.

“Nate?” Zoe asked. “What do you think?”

I reached over to put my hand on Zoe’s leg to remind myself I wasn’t in the African desert but here, in Kitchi Falls, with my friends. And my girlfriend.

“I wasn’t with you for a second. What’s the question?”

Lucas caught my eye.

He knew.

“We have two separate promotions going on and are talking about the timing of them. But you know what, let’s not talk about work. Nate, why don’t you and Lucas share things about your time in Africa that you couldn’t tell us before?”