Page 16 of Bring It On


Well, it depends on the venue. KC’s, maybe beer. Dinner, red wine. Or sometimes white in the summer. Other times, vodka soda. Or even gin. Lots of options.

LOL. I should say so. Non-discriminatory drinker, huh?

You can say that. How about you?

Mostly beer, whiskey sometimes. I’m pretty simple.

I doubt that but will let it slide for now.

For now. . .

Oops. That definitely had some implications. What the hell was I doing here? I should probably let it drop. Change topics. But I suddenly couldn’t imagine not texting Nate.

Yes. For now. . .

I added a side-eyes emoji, which was a little flirty. And then waited for his response. Nothing.

That was the thing about texting a guy in an active combat zone. There wasn’t a lot of rhyme or reason to the cadence of his messages. I’d learned quickly enough that he could be super chatty one second and then gone for hours the next.

But this wasn’t one of those times.

He sent back the same side-eyes emoji.

Shit. Ball was back in my court.

Keep it light.

I just realized I don’t know anything about your family. Siblings?

I didn’t have to wait long for his response.

Two brothers, both older. Younger sister. You?

Only child. Being a military wife and mom of one was apparently enough for my mother.

Couldn’t imagine not having siblings. Mine are a PITA but. . .

Yeah, it sucked TBH. That plus moving around a lot, not fun.

Lonely at times?


If it’s any consolation, it can be lonely even in a big family sometimes.

What do you mean?

My brothers are closer in age and good friends. Went to college together. My sister is great, but we were never close enough I’d call us best buds.

How old are you btw?

Twenty-seven. You?


I almost said something about him robbing the cradle, but that presumed a lot. Too much.