Page 102 of Bring It On

“We? You don’t have to be shackled to this place even if I do.”

“I wouldn’t use the word shackled. You’re gonna have a hard time getting rid of me, you know?”

“Now why would I want to do something like that?”

Zoe sipped on a glass of water with lemon. Those gin drinks hit hard, and she’d stopped drinking a while ago. “Hopefully, you don’t.”

Tossing the rag down, I leaned across the bar, wanting to talk seriously for a second. “I thought about asking you first. It’s a big commitment, owning a bar. And my schedule will be as crazy as Owen’s was. But I also wanted to surprise you.”

“And you knew I’d be thrilled with any decision you made. A restaurant. A bar. Something else. I just want you to enjoy what you do as much as me. We’ll make it work.”

It was a relief to hear her say that. “We will.”

“I’m still in shock. It all happened so fast.”

True enough. “When you know, you know. I’m just surprised he went for it. KC’s has been in his family for generations.”

“That had to be hard for him. But Lusanne. The baby. Not to mention all of his other endeavors.”

“Seems like his family owns half the town from the research I did.”

“They were kind of like Kitchi Fall’s founders. There were other families with farms all around the lake, but I think his great-great-grandfather, or something like that, started the town. So, it makes sense, I guess.”

While she was talking, a flash of her fingers unbuttoning my jeans in front of the bar distracted me. I’d gotten instant wood then and now, thinking about her hands on me.

“Uh oh.”

“Come here,” I said.

“That doesn’t sound like a request.”

“It isn’t.”

Zoe’s smile preceded her hopping up from the bar stool and sauntering around the bar. I’d have gone to her, but, even though the bar was dark, half of the bar front was glass. And it probably wouldn’t do for anyone to walk by and see me fucking my girlfriend on the first night I owned the place.

Because that’s exactly what I intended. And told Zoe so as she reached me.

“Do you remember that first text thread, when you were on the couch?” I asked her, not wasting any time. The second she was within arm’s reach, I grabbed her, pulled her toward me, and began to undo her jeans.

Zoe gasped and held on to my shoulders as I pushed both the jeans and her thong down low enough for access to the prize I sought.

“I do,” she said.

“When you gave me the go-ahead.” I slipped one finger inside her, groaning to feel her wet already. “With that fucking zero on a scale of one to ten.”

“On whether or not I’d get offended,” she said, eyes wide as I began to work her.

“Yup. Do you also remember what I said I would do to you if I could?”

Zoe’s breath was coming faster. She nodded but didn’t answer.

I reminded her. “I said I’d be pinning you against that couch with my fingers deep inside your pussy as I worked you until you screamed my name.”

“You did say that.”

I put a second finger inside her. And did not let up. Rubbing her with my other thumb, faster and faster, determined to hear my name on her lips, I told Zoe exactly what I wanted. “Do it, Zoe. Come for me. Scream my fucking name.”

“Oh my God, Nate.”