Page 8 of Adoration

“Come, come. Sit.”

I do what she says and take the seat next to her, even though that puts me in uncomfortably close proximity to Quinn.

"OK," Quinn says, chomping on the largest bite of AlfredoI’ve everseen in my life. "You're right. Pastais making me feel better. I have no idea how anybody eating a low-carb diet wouldn't killtheir neighbors."

As soon as she says the words, she covers her mouth with her hand and stares at me.

"Why don't you speak a little louder?"Igive her another look. "I don't think they heard you back at the club."

“And why don't you be a little politer?" she says, glaring at me."I don't think my ovariesheardyou."

Her ovaries? What the actualfuck?

Instead of responding I shove another bite of Alfredoin my mouth.

"Sergio tells me you'll be married," Tosca sayspleasantly.

"Yes,” I say at theveryexact timeQuinn shakes her head anddropsher fork on the table.

"No. I am not marryinganybody.I don't care if he's PrinceCharming himself that knows how to perform magic tricks with his magical—"

She doesn't finish the sentence. She was gonnasay dick, I know she wasgonnasay dick. And then she thought better of it becauseNonna’shere. As ifNonnacares anyway.

"You are,” Sergio says calmly. "And you know why.We'll settle the arrangements later."

Eden looks at her plate while she continues to eat.

"If thepastadidn't do thetrick, perhaps the tiramisu might."

Tosca intervenes. "We’llhave the justice of the peace tomorrow, the photographer, andasmany localcousins and family and friends as we can get here. Quinn, I have a few gowns for you totry on."

Quinn’s still shaking her head.

"I don't know why it seems like you guys aren't listening to me. I said, I amnotmarrying him."

Ithrow my hands in the air.

“Yes,you are. I will carry you over the threshold ofthegoddamn church if I have to. I may not be your first choice, but it’s better than the alternative.”

Quinn tipsherhead to the side.


I wonder if she'll still think I'm this charming when I've got herovermy knee.

“Wedon't need toplay atanything,” Sergio says. He looksat Tosca. "Quinn was an accidental eyewitness to a punishable offense. You know what that means.”

Toscanods, lips pursed."Yes, of course." She looks at Quinn. “Would you rather be killed?"

Honest and pragmatic, as always.

Quinn looks at me and doesn’t respond at first, as if she’s actually weighing her options.

"I’llhave to think about that,” she says quietly.

Nonnalaughs, Eden chokes on a sip of wine, and Sergiosighs.

"For the love of God, someone tell me that we are honeymooning in a dungeon,” I say under my breath to Sergio.A nice, well-equipped dungeon with handcuffs and implements…