Page 10 of Adoration

I stick my fork in my pasta and take anotherbite. It's delicious, like everything that comes from the Rossi kitchen, but I barely taste it.

"Time for dessert!"Toscasays, rising.“We have something to celebrate tonight.”

"No dessert for me, thank you," Isaygruffly. I need to get out of here.“I'm going hometo arrangethingsbefore the wedding."

"Badidea, brother." Sergio meets my gaze. Iraisemy eyebrows, a silent question.

“You two are in danger until we dowhat we need to.”

Of course,I’m on thecartel’s hit list, I knew that I would be. But to me,beingon thecartel’shit list is no reason to hide. I’m not ashamed or afraid.

I’ll have to keep that in mind.

Sergiolowers hisvoice. “We just swore you in, brother. Don'twannalose you this quick, notwhena simple stepwill prevent this."

I get it. But I don'twant tobe anywhere nearQuinn untilIhave to be. I look at Tosca.“Do you mind?"

She grins, her whole facelightingup. "Are you kidding me? I miss when I had people living here. We hatethatthis huge place is so empty. We wereactually thinkingof selling it—"

"You do not sell The Castle without talking to me first, okay?" Sergio interjects.

"I know, I know, you and Romeo. It's just a lot for us to maintain. And yes, Adriano, you're welcome to stay.We’ll set you up in a guest suite and make sure you have everythingyou need for the wedding."

"Thank you. I don't wantabig to-do, Tosca.We’llkeep it simple. Justice of the peace. Witnesses. We don't need a big celebration."

My betrothed liftsher chin and stares at me. "Sayswho?"

Jesus Christ. I give her a forced smile. "We don't have time for a big wedding,darling." The sarcasm drips from my mouth, but somehow it seems to bounceoff ofher.

Shegrins back. "We're in the home of ToscaRossi,"she says with meaning. “Believe me when I tell you there is plenty of time to plan a party.” She grins at Tosca. “Right?"

"Are you kidding me? Ilive to throwparties. Italian is in my blood. In another life I was a wedding planner." Great.

Ilookto Sergio forhelp, but thebastardhas the nerve to look amused again.

"Perhaps we can come up with a compromise," he says gently, obviously softeninginhis old age because old Sergiowould have just laid the law down and had myback. Goddamn, is this what getting married can do to you?

"Andwhat might a compromise be?"

Hesmiles andtakesanother sip of his drink."No more than fifty guests. Remember, we need to spread the news of this and if I make a call, you’ll have a dinner party later tonight."

Motherfucker. Fifty guests?

Quinn gives me asickly smile, the kind that doesn't reach her eyes but hints at craftiness. "Thankyou, Sergio. I don't really want any guests. I just want anicegown and somereally good food.Who knows what this guy is going to do to me once I’m wed to him? I might as well live my life when I can.YOLO, you know?"

Eden’slips twitch, and she might be laughing, but I can't quite tell because she’sput anapkinto her mouth. Nonna’s back from the kitchen. "What is… YOLO?"shesays.

I blow out a breath."Youonly live once." I roll my eyes.

It's not true, though. It's a lie, because any oneofmy brothers will tell you, youlive many lives before you die.

I'm just about to start my new one.

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