Page 90 of Adoration

And, of course, she loves Adriano. Who wouldn't, when all you see is the sexy Italian man who takes good care of you?

I'm the only one who also loves him for everything else, and I'm proud of that.

"I made you a special breakfast, too."

"Did you now?”

I grin, stretching my arms up overhead.

"Call me a sap, but I want to treat this as our first anniversary together."

"Babe, I would call you a lot of things, butsapisn't one of them." I smile. "I’m totally game. I didn't get you anything, though."

He rolls me over onto my back, straddles me, and kisses along my jawline as he growls in that sexy, husky, early-morning voice, "I already have what I need."

Half an hour later, I am still riding the aftershocks of ecstasy, tucked back in our bed under the covers, and he's bringing me breakfast.

We like simple meals like eggs, bacon, and toast. Oatmeal with fruit or nuts. Simple is good. We're not the kind of people that need fancy.

Well, unless it's chocolate.

I eat the lightly buttered toast, the crispy, salty bacon, and we share a golden omelet before he tells me something else. "We’re going to The Castle today."

I love The Castle. In the colder winter months, the weather is milder because of the ocean effect. And even though the wind whips too hard off the water for me to do anything like walk along the shore, much less swim, it's beautiful to look at, and the sea salt in the air makes me feel alive.

"Wear the ivory dress, baby." He picked it out yesterday when we were out. I’m not sure why.

"For dinner at The Castle?" I say curiously. I am well aware of the fact that something is going to happen at The Castle, but I live to give him shit about things.

An hour later, we're driving in one of the most beautiful cars I've ever seen. Plush leather seats in a sleek interior, the engine purrs when he steps on the gas. I don't even know what it's called because I'm not a car girl. But it's the one luxury Adriano affords himself, so I love it when he gets a new one.

"Who will be there today?"

"We'll see." He shrugs, but there's that twinkle in his eye again.

When we arrive, I stop breathing. I stare. "Alright, babe.Whatis going on here?"

The Castle is decorated as if for a wedding. White roses sit in large vases everywhere I look. It's too cold for an outdoor wedding, but that hasn't stopped them from decorating with decadent, extravagant bouquets and silk ribbons. When we get inside, I'm unprepared for what meets us.

Everyone's here, and I meaneveryone. All the Montavios and those with significant others. All the Rossis, their children, and spouses. Nonna, and Tosca, and Flo, minus Helena, who conveniently decided to go back to Italy. Too bad so sad.

Adriana pulls me to him and kisses my cheek. "You never got a wedding reception, Quinn. You will today."

I can't decide if I want to laugh, cry, or throw something in the air and whoop with delight. So, I do all of the above.

We feast on specialty food items prepared by Eden, Tosca, and Nonna. I do all the things brides do, like cut the wedding cake and throw a bouquet.

And I get to meet everyone. Romeo and his wife Vittoria, who introduces me to his brothers, Orlando and Tavi, and their wives. Rosa's husband, Santo, Marialena's husband, Salvatore, even Dario and Vivia who've been in Mexico until recently. Mario and his wife Gloria are there, as well as Starla, Timeo, and Ricco.

"We wanted to throw you a bridal shower slash reception and we finally managed to get your husband to agree.”

We all feasted, danced, laughed, and drank wine until we couldn't hold any more. Now we're all lounging in the reception room at the Rossi family castle, and I'm staring at a stack of white-and-gold-wrapped gifts and decorations.

"Open gifts? Don't mind if I do." Not that we need anything, but it's still fun to do.

I've never seen what rich people give each other, so this is pretty fun.

I open an envelope to find a gift card from Rosa and Santo.Photography session.