Page 47 of Adoration

I shake a little when he curses under his breath in Italian. I am absolutely in dangerous territory.

“If you don’t open this door, Quinn…”

I swing the door open and stare at him. “What? You’ll”—I cover my mouth in mock horror— “spankme?”

I watch his eyes go from intensely pissed to slightly shocked as he takes in the sight of me wearing nothing but a thong and my tats.

“Get your ass over here,” he growls, wrapping his fingers around my wrists. He’s still furious, only now he’s got an erection. “This is no laughing matter, woman.”

Mmm. The lecture.

Just to piss him off a bit more, I laugh. “Okay, some big bad scary people are after us. Mhm. They did something stupid and put some kind of a message in the flowers to get under your skin. And look. They did!”

He manhandles me all the way to the bed in the center of the room when I realize that ofcoursewe’re in the private room that has O-rings attached to the bed and a handy dandy little box of weapons of ass destruction at his disposal. Half a second later I realize he doesn’t care about those, because he’s reaching for his belt.

Gah!His belt!

“I don’t think you quite understand the danger you’re in,” he says as he arranges me into position and with absolute expertise snaps my wrists in the rings over my head. Ohhhh, boy.

“I do! Stranger danger,” I say, even as my heart’s pounding so quickly I’m nauseous. I’m in a world of danger and I know it.

After my wrists are secured, he goes for my ankles.

Okay, so I was banking on a little slap and tickle, but now that we’re here—

Oh, fuck. Are those… they are.He’s got a spreader bar and ankle cuffs in his hand.

Fuck,fuckity fuck!

“Ah, okay, Adriano, so maybe I don’t think I’ve quite earned—"


“Yeooowch!” I holler when the first lash of his belt across my ass sets in. A line of fire flames in its wake before a second sharp smack follows the first.

“When I tell you to stay put, I fuckingmeanfor you to stay put,” he snaps, with none of thecome hitherdomination of our wedding night. He’s nothing but a cold, hard alpha wielding a thick leather belt, and there’s no question I’m here for it.

Again and again, he smacks his belt against my ass, building a delicious fire that stokes my arousal but still hurts like mad. A deep burning sensation builds while he spanks me, over and over again, until I’m going to lose my mind.

I’m so turned on I can’t stand it, my clit pulsing, and I know if he keeps this up, I’m going to climax right here, right now.

“Did you hear a word I said or are you fucking blissed out right now?”

“Yes, and yes,” I pant, unable to move an inch.

“Good,” he says, shaking his head. But when I crane my neck to look at him, some of the fire in his eyes has died down.

I’m panting, so aroused I can hardly think straight, and my ass is in literal flames right now, but relief still floods through me.

“Good,” I whisper, echoing his own sentiment. “Did that help?”

I watch him thread his belt around his waist as his eyes soften. “You did that on purpose.”

I swallow and nod as he kneels and unfastens the cuffs on my ankles, then the ones around my wrists.

I loop my arms around his neck. “I did. And I’m doing this on purpose, too.”

I kneel in front of him, still wearing nothing but a thong, my tats, and now the stripes of his belt. I lick my lips and swallow, eager to taste him.