Page 36 of Adoration

My dick throbs against her hip. I didn’t plan on all this, not yet anyway. But we both like sex, and six months passes quickly. And did she ever earn those goddamn spankings.

“We maybe faked the whole love thing, but woman, you did not fake that orgasm,” I say appreciatively.

I can’t read her eyes with her head against my chest, but I can see the slight curve of her smile. “I did not, nosiree. Holyshit,can you spank.” She lifts her head and looks out at the sea. “That water looks delicious. Do you swim?”

“Depends. What’s in it for me?”

She quirks a brow at me. “I’ll let you fuck me.”

“So much for six months of foreplay?”

I didn’t tell her about the Montavio family rules that demand consummation within twenty-four hours of nuptials. Turns out, I didn’t need to.

I lay her on a lounge chair, find a few flameless candles left in the romance basket I’d ordered, and light them. They flicker in the cabana as I hold her against me. I’m as malleable as putty when she trusts me. I whisper sweet nothings in her ear. “Wish you still had that veil you wore.”

“Why?” she says on a smile.

“Would be fun to fuck you in nothing but the veil.”

“That can be arranged.”

I stand, holding her against my chest, the sarong tied around my fist. She looks at it, then out to the sea.

“Is the water cold?”

“Not in August. Should be nice and warm by now, after all those hot days.” I reach the shore and slide her down.

“Anyone watching me?”

“Sorry to disappoint, but no.” I look at her sternly. “I know you like that, but I don’t play that way. I told you you’re mine. There’s no exhibitionism.”

“Good,” she says, as she reaches for the crumpled tee and whips it off.

“Christ.” I watch her run with abandon toward the waves, her hair flying in the wind, my handprints stark against her perfect, heart-shaped ass. I shake my head, strip, and run after her.

As soon as I’m close enough, she splashes me so hard I’m completely drenched.

“Oh, you little brat,” I mutter and dive. I dunk her in the water, and she comes up sputtering and squealing, her hair in her eyes, a clump of seaweed clinging to her head.

“Look! I found my veil,” she says as she plucks it off her head.

I reach for her, and she almost eludes my grasp, but I’m too fast. I loop my arm around her waist and drag her to me as the waves crash on shore and the undertow curls sand between our toes.

Her legs are laced around my waist when I trace her jawline with my fingers. She smiles against my lips and melts against me. Her eyes close when I brush my lips to hers, the taste of saltwater mingling with champagne.

As we kiss, I snag the sarong and loop it around her wrists.

“Ooh, I see what you did there, Adriano!” She tries to pull away but can’t.

I hold her over my shoulder and walk back to the beach and then the cabana, where I find a thick, cream-colored blanket to spread on the warm sand. I lay her down and lift her wrapped wrists above her head.

I lift her hand and remove her wedding ring. I trail it across her naked chest, and she hisses in a breath when it scrapes against her nipples. I bend and lick them, one at a time.

She parts her legs.

We don’t speak as I replace the ring on her finger and glide my length between her legs. She’s soft and fragile beneath me. When she’s completely at my mercy, I enter her slowly, savoring the feel of her warmth, the intimacy of being so close. I’m so hard I groan with relief when the walls of her sex grip my cock.

“Fuccck,baby,”I groan when she wraps her legs around me. “Jesus.”