Page 87 of Adoration


I’m still squeezing my eyes shut when he moves away. I stifle a cry at the sudden loss when I sense him behind me.

The clink of a belt buckle.

The whir of a zipper.

The swish of clothes as he removes them.

The blissful, perfect feel of his swollen cock at my entrance. I want him in me so badly I begin to cry.

“Please, Adriano. Please,” I beg.

“That’s it, baby. Beg for my cock. I want you fucking begging for my cock.”

“Please, I want your cock. I want it so badly. I want to feel you inside me. Please.”

He cups my breasts with his palms as he slowly, so slowly it’s painfully torturous, glides his cock into my core.

I sigh with relief as my sex hugs his cock. I’m so wet, he easily slides all the way in to the hilt before he gradually pulls out again. I whimper for more and he slowly gives it to me, taking his time to fill me. Pleasure courses through my veins with every perfect, blissful thrust. My fingernails dig into my palms when I clench my hands, still immobile in the restraints.

“You took that spanking like a pro,” he whispers in my ear, stroking my damp hair off my forehead and kissing me. “I’m proud of you, Quinn. I love you. And I’m sorry. Forgive me, baby. Forgive me.”

I’m boneless and weightless. My words clog in my throat, my nose tingles, and my eyes sting with unshed tears.

I love him.

“Of course, I forgive you,” I say on a sigh. “Unless you don’t let me come, Adriano!”

He slaps my ass again, but this time he’s chuckling.

Another thrust, and the first spasm of ecstasy rattles me. I cry out and shake, on the verge of an orgasm that will wreck me.

“Hold on,” he whispers.

“Adriano,” I moan. “Oh my God, Adriano.”

His hand slaps my ass so hard and fast I’m breathless and even closer to climax.

“I saidhold on.You come with me, baby. You come with me.”


I squeeze my eyes shut and do my best to distract myself, to hold myself off until he joins me.

“That’s a girl,” he whispers. “That’s my good girl. Come with me, baby.”

“I love you.” I relax into him, hold my breath, and shatter at his next thrust.

My pulse explodes and frissons of ecstasy erupt over my skin, under my skin, in my veins and in my heart. My entire body is flooded with ecstasy, lost to pleasure, pain long forgotten. My hips jerk as he groans out loud and jerks inside me. Hot cum fills me as he grunts and moans in his own throes of ecstasy.

I’m barely coherent when he lays me down on the bed. I murmur drunkenly when he cleans me off and pulls me to his chest. I’m utterly lost to the euphoric release of what we just did, and so madly in love I think I might burst.

“I love you, Adriano,” I say, as I curl up on his chest and his arm comes around me. “I love you.”

“And I love you. I love you, Quinn, so much more than words can say.” He holds me to his chest and plants a fierce kiss on my forehead.

But he doesn’t have to say another word.