Page 18 of Adoration

“Celebrating… ourmarriage?”


"So… what's in it for me? Can I keep the wedding gifts?”

Like I give a fuck about wedding gifts. “Yeah.”

Her eyes light up. “Ooh, Ilovegifts. Do I get anything else besides—maybe my life being spared? Like do I get a cut of the billions?" She smacks her forehead. "Goddammit, why didn't I sign a prenup?"

That almost makes me laugh. "I never would've signed a prenup. And while you're here, you can have anything you want. I don't just mean here in our honeymoon destination. We get six months. I've got more money than I know what to do with. The least I can do is give you a credit card and keep you out of my hair."

She taps her chin thoughtfully. "Keepmeout ofyourhair…" she repeats thoughtfully. "Something tells me you can be quite the romantic."

Does anything ruffle her? "I promise, you'll be rewarded for your time. Sergio and I already discussed the details."

She gives me a curious look. She deserves to know details about what the next six months will look like.

"You'll have a car. Once I know we're safe, you’ll have a cell phone. You will always, and I meanalways, have a location tracker on your phone, and a detail of at least three guards with you at all times. You can buy whatever you want—clothes, jewelry, whatever. I don't give a shit.”

She eyes me warily. "So, I stay married to you for six months. In the meantime, I live in the lap of luxury, and I know that I'm safe." She nods, her big brown eyes framed in thick, dark lashes thoughtful. "And when this is done, I'll be paid for my time, and if I know you and Sergio, well, Sergio, because I don't really know you at all, but I just know you work for him, it will be well worth my time." She nods again, clearly thinking this over. "And what doyouget out of this situation?"

"What doIget?"

I'm a little surprised we got here already.

She gives me a wary look.

"Yes. What doyouwant?"

Time for me to play my first sadist card.

"Your submission. Your obedience. I want you to obey me. No talking back, no questioning me. I want you to be the submissive that Iknowyou can be."

Submission and masochism aren't synonymous, I know that. But her masochistic tendencies aren’t gonna be a challenge. That's already who she is. I want to have a little fun, and I don't enjoy anything unless there's a challenge involved.

"Bruh, are you even serious right now?"

A slow smile spreads across my face. "Do Ilooklike I'm joking?”

Her jaw drops open. "No. God! I mean, like, that's not me, okay? I'm not a little housewife. I didn't even know how to peel potatoes until Eden showed me."

"Who said anything about being a housewife?"

She looks thoughtful again. “Huh. But I thought Sergio said that we didn't have to have sex."

We will absolutely have sex.

"We don't."

"So you want to…dominate me.” Her cheeks flush with color and her pupils dilate. I know the signs of arousal when I see them.

Fuck. Me.

She swallows. “Okay. So, let's go back to what you said before about… impact play and stuff like that? You want me to submit to you, but you don't want to have sex. You want to just… turn me on for the next six months?"

"Six months of foreplay? Jesus, that would be something else," I say thoughtfully.
