Page 12 of Adoration

I ought toknow.

“Do you know who he killed and why?”

“I don’t.”

Eden may not ask questions, but I’m not the silent type.

Why did he beat someone until they dripped blood onto the floor then shoot them? Why?

I look away, but she reaches for me and holds my hands to prompt me to look in her eyes. "Quinn, I don't know what's going to happen next. But I know you are one of the strongest, fiercest people I’ve met. No matter what you face, I know you’llsoar.” Tears spring to my eyes when she hugs me. “Nobody can help but love you, andyou’ll see. Even… him."

I pull away from her. “Oh boy. No, no, NO! I cannot turn on my lovable nature for him.I don't want theman to love me!”

"And why not?" she asks with the patience of someone addressing a small child. "Being loved is a very nice thing, Quinn.”

"If you’re you!I mean, I know thatyoulove me, like, as a friend?ButI don't wanta man to love me. And I’m not doing this forlove.”

I shudder. The very thought makes me sick to my stomach.

To her credit she only smiles and says, “Don't borrow trouble for tomorrow."

"Don't start pulling your Bible stuff on me."

"I will pull out my Bible stuff whenthe time and place warrant it,”she sayswith a twinkle inher eye.

I barely slept last night, tossing and turning while Sergio and Adriano probably plotted world domination while smoking cigars in a room with antlers on the wall.Ugh.

What if my friends at the club find out? What if no one wants to be my friend anymore? What if my time there has come to an end?

What am I going to be forced to give up?

Will this farce of a marriage really save me?

* * *


“I… DO?”


“Are you two almost done?"Adriano’s voicebooms from downstairs. Hmph.

“We’ll come down when we’re good and ready!” I yellback.

Eden winces. “Quinn…”

"Listen, honey. I know that you're into this whole obedient wifething with yourhusband. That kind of suits you. I mean, you're not exactly a pushover or wallflower, you're a very strong woman, but I know that Sergio wears the pants in the family and all that. But thatis notme."

"I know," she says with a grimace.

"Are you worried about me?"

"Of course I am," she says. She shakes her head. "Quinn, I know you'll besafe.I just want you to…"

She trails off, focusing on fussing with my dress.

"Hey, you are totally going to finish that sentence."