From the look on his face, I’m guessing he feels the same way.

Dropping my sweatshirt, he glances over his shoulder toward the hallway that leads to our bedrooms before he returns his gaze to me. “Where’s your bedroom?”

“Down there.” I incline my head toward the hallway he just looked at.

“Wanna show me?” He lifts his brows.

“Yes,” I whisper, shrieking when he grabs hold of me and swings me over his shoulder, my head dangling upside down.

Cam carries me like he’s some sort of caveman down the short hallway, pausing in front of the first open doorway. “Your room?”

“Yes.” Another shriek escapes me when he lightly slaps my exposed butt. “Cam!”

He strides into the bedroom, depositing me onto the bed. I land on my side, immediately sitting up, shoving my hair out of my face. “You spanked me.”

“So?” He checks out my bedroom, walking over to my dresser and picking up a framed photograph of my family. It was taken last year, after one of Knox’s football games and he’s still in uniform, looking pretty beat. The rest of us surround him, my parents standing on either side, Ruby and I directly in front of them. “I remember this game.”

“You do?” They won, I remember that. Even back then I admired Cam out on the field. He was so good, so confident and quick, playing like a professional. That’s what my father said as he watched him, and I couldn’t help but silently agree.

“You looked cute that night.” He glances up, his gaze meeting mine. “I noticed.”

How long has he noticed? “You did?”

“I noticed you that summer Knox brought me to your house and you followed me around all weekend.” He sets the frame back on the dresser, turning to face me. “Take off the sweatshirt.”

I gape at him, shocked by his fierce tone. Also aroused, I can’t lie. “I didn’t follow you around that weekend.”

He’s grinning. “You definitely did. Wore the tiniest bikini too. Trust me, I noticed.”

Damn it, he’s right. I was shameless, while trying to gain his attention, and all of these years I thought it didn’t work. Now it sounds like all the effort I put into myself that weekend actually had results. “Why didn’t you do anything? Say anything?”

“First of all, you weren’t even eighteen,” he reminds me.

“I was close.”

“Not close enough. And second, I just met Knox and we were getting along great. I wasn’t about to fuck around with his sister and make him hate me.”

“So, what’s the difference now?”



Her words ringin my head, and I stare at her, enjoying how good she looks in my hoodie. Wishing she’d taken it off when I told her, so we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

“I didn’t know you then,” is what I finally say, and I can tell my response pleases her.

“And you know me so well now?”

“I know you well enough to see that you’re kind. Compassionate. Smart. Sweet. Well, sometimes.” She glares, but I don’t acknowledge it. “You’re sexy as fuck. You’re relentless.”


“You never let up on me.”

“Only recently.” She shrugs, her shoulders looking extra small in my sweatshirt. That thing is giant on her. “You were blind.”

“Blind to what?”