I give her some details, frowning when I finish.

“Why haven’t you and Dad been to any games lately?”

“We’ve been busy,” she chirps, reminding me of…me.

I get chirpy when I’m feeling awkward or nervous.


“Busy with what?”

“Well, your father and I went to visit your aunt and uncle in California a few weeks ago. And then we went to see Ruby too, last week. It was parents’ weekend so of course we had to go. Not too sure how much longer she’s going to last there, though.”

The tone in Mom’s voice tells me she’s worried. “She mentioned something to me as well.”

“That she’s not happy? No, I don’t suppose she is. She’s so far away. That’s tough. You just can’t come home for the weekend. Not like you and your brother can.”

“Right,” I say softly, my heart suddenly aching.

I miss my mom. My dad too. I need to see them. Soon.

“I think she might come home over winter break and possibly transfer somewhere else. Maybe even go to the community college like you did for the next semester and start where you’re at in the fall,” Mom says.

“Wow, really?” I can’t believe Ruby is making the switch. I figured she wanted out of this area, this state. She always talked about how stifling it felt here, which is something neither Knox nor I ever experienced.

We like it here. Colorado is beautiful. And if I were to go anywhere else, it would most likely be California, because we already have family there, even though it’s expensive.

“I wanted to call you not to just catch up but also to let you know that your father and I will be out there soon. We’re flying too. We don’t want to deal with the drive,” Mom explains.

My sadness evaporates, replaced with joy at the thought of having them here.

“Oh, that’s great. It’ll be so nice to see you guys.”

“There’s a home game that weekend too so we’ll go to that and hang out. It’ll be fun, but I wish Ruby could be with us.” Mom offers up a little pout.

“Me too,” I admit.

My thoughts immediately go to Cam and wondering where he might end up if he gets drafted. His choices are endless. He could end up anywhere in this country, and then I wouldn’t get to see him anymore. Only on TV while watching a game he’s playing in.

So weird to think about, but then again, it’s not. I watch my family play all the time. My cousins and their spouses. Back in the day, when I was younger, I remember watching my dad. My uncle. I don’t remember the NFLnotbeing in my life. It’s that ingrained in me.

What a great little NFL wife I would make, am I right?

I am so getting ahead of myself.

Mom and I talk for a little while longer and I’m just about to end the call when I get a notification that I’m getting another FaceTime call.

From Cam.

I don’t answer him right away, finishing my chat with Mom first, not wanting to rush her off the phone. All of my exhaustion evaporates though, knowing that he’s trying to get a hold of me. On a Friday night, no less.

Right as I’m saying good night to my mom, a text notification comes through.

Hottest QB Alive:I want to see you.

“Mom, I really have to go.” Another yawn, this one fake, and I cover my mouth at the last second. “Talk to you later?”

“Of course. Love you, sweetie. Good night!”