“That was probably childish.” She ducks her head, her blonde hair falling across her face. It’s damp again, much like it was a few nights ago, and I know she must’ve already taken a shower. Meaning her skin is extra soft and fragrant.

“Not childish,” I reassure her. “Not with the thoughts running through my head when you did it.”

“You liked it?” She lifts her head, her gaze finding mine once more.

“I like just about everything you do.”

Her smile is small. Adorable. “You keep saying stuff like that and make me swoon when I should be annoyed at you for treating me like a casual hookup.”

“You’re not a casual hookup.” The words leave my mouth before I can stop them and I realize in that moment that I mean them.

Blair is so far from casual to me.

I don’t know what we’re doing, and we’ve already established I don’t like the words serious or relationship, but I do know one thing.

I’m not ready to let her go. I want more.

Her demeanor shifts, her shoulders relaxing, and it’s like my words just eased all of the tension out of her. Tension that I caused, which makes me feel like a jerk.

“I like you too,” she admits.

“I know I don’t have any relationship experience, but I think we’re beyond that stage,” I tease her.

“You’re right. We are.” She laughs.

“Are you coming over?”

She sobers right up. “Are you sure it’s…safe?”

“Knox isn’t here,” I remind her.

“When is he coming home?”

“I don’t know.”

“Where’s he at?”

“With a girl.”


Am I supposed to tell? I know she buddied up with Joanna and her roommate Natalie at the game, but I don’t know how much I should reveal.

“Is he with Joanna?”

Relief floods me at not having to say her name first. “Yeah.”

“Oh, I love that. She’s so nice.”

“She is.” I hesitate. “Your brother is into her.”

“I can tell.”

Frustration ripples through me. “Blair.”

I say her name a little too fiercely because now she’s frowning.
