“I would never think of you like that.” I fucking hate that she worries about it. “You just…have to be patient with me.”

She watches me with those big green eyes and my gaze drops for a moment, noting that she’s wearing what looks like a black tank. “Patient with you.”

I nod. “I’ve never been in a relationship before.”




“Don’t act so shocked.” I chuckle.

“I can’t help it. I am shocked. You’re what…twenty-two?”


“And you’ve never been in a relationship. Not even in high school?”

“Especially not in high school.” Wasn’t like I was banging a bunch of girls back then, but I wasn’t about to let myself be tied down either. I was a lot angrier back then too. Pissed off at the world and not capable of caring about anyone else but myself.

When you witness your parents’ toxic relationship and eventual crumbling marriage, that leaves a lasting impression, especially at the age I was when it all played out. Made me wary of relationships my entire life. I never allowed myself to get close to a girl. Woman.

Until Blair.

She’s so damn wholesome—well, outwardly at least. I’m thinking she’s got a few kinks tucked away in that devious part of her brain. But when it comes down to it, she’s a good person. She comes from a great family. People who actually love each other and take care of each other.

My dad only takes care of me now out of a sense of guilt for all the previous shit he’s doled out on me. Mom still apologizes to me out of nowhere, seemingly for no reason, but I get what’s happening.

She’s trying to unburden herself of all of that old guilt.

This is why I’m not interested in being in a relationship. I’ve set up all of these personal rules with myself that I can never break. I’ve been playing by them for a long ass time.

Then Blair comes along and she’s got me thinking I should break every single one of those rules.

“Wow.” She stares off into the distance, her gaze finally shifting to me. “I’ve been in a few.”

I know,is what I want to say, but I don’t. “You’ve got more experience than me.”

“Only in relationships. Not with the…other stuff.”

My curiosity is piqued. “What other stuff?”

“You know. The sex stuff.”


“Cam,” she returns, her cheeks the faintest shade of pink.

“You were doing all right a couple of nights ago.”

“That was nothing.” Her cheeks are brighter, and she waves a hand, dismissing me. “On my part at least. That was all you.”

“You’re the one who kissed me all over my face,” I remind her, my voice soft.

That had been a sweet moment. And sexy too. No one has ever taken the time to do that to me before and I liked it.

A lot.