“I don’t know. She acts kind of weird whenever I bring it up.” Ruby shrugs.

“Your sister loves you. I know you guys are close.”

“Maybe not that close.” Ruby pouts, the look on her face reminding me of Blair.

“Oh, come on. I think Blair would love to have you around again. She misses you,” I say, defending Blair because, of course, I am.

“Has she told you that? Do you guys talk? Hang out?” Ruby’s brows shoot up and I wonder what Blair has told her.

Shit. I never even thought about that. Girls talk. Sisters share secrets. Maybe Blair has told her she…likes me or whatever. Am I worthy of that kind of conversation?

Probably not.

“We don’t hang out.” I am lying through my teeth. We did exactly that last night and well into this morning. “And, as a matter of fact, Knox and Blair talked about you a few nights ago when she came over to make us dinner.”

“She made you dinner?” Ruby sounds surprised.

“Me and Knox,” I clarify.

“Isn’t that sweet of her?”

“Isn’t it, though?” I see the gleam in Ruby’s eye. She’s eating this shit up.

“Well, I’m not sure what I’m going to do. But I’ll finish out the semester here at least,” she says. “I’m no quitter.”

Said like a true Maguire. None of them are quitters, that’s for damn sure. “You should come out here in January then.”

“I might,” she says. “Though you and Knox leave pretty much after that.”

“Yeah, we do.”

“Are you excited?” Her face brightens. “You’ll probably get picked up in the draft.”

“Maybe,” I hedge, not about to get all giddy over it. What’s the point? “We’ll see.”

“Playing it cool?”




“Spoke to your boyfriend earlier.”Ruby drops that little factoid on me after a few minutes of boring conversation via FaceTime.

It’s Monday night and I’m still on a “I cuddled with Cam” high. His big hand on my ass. How he gave it a gentle slap before pulling on my hair. That was kind of hot. I’m still thinking about it, wishing he’d done more.

Wishing we’d done so much more.

“My boyfriend?” I wrinkle my nose. “Who are you talking about now?”

Ruby is always joking around, calling some poor random guy,my boyfriend. The most recent was that guy who worked at the library when I was at community college. He was friendly to me once. I mentioned it to Ruby and said he had a nice smile, which he did. But that was it. I had zero interest in him. But she’d tease me sometimes, asking about my library boyfriend.

She’s annoying. The absolute epitome of a pain in the ass little sister.

“I FaceTimed with Camden Fields this morning.” The smug look on Ruby’s face is undeniable.

I sit up straighter, peering at her closely, like I can see inside her brain, which I so cannot. And wait a minute—this morning? “When exactly did you FaceTime with him?”