“You know someone who’s in this frat?” Cohen asks, changing the subject. “Or did you crash the party? I won’t tell on you if you did.”

“I know someone.” He sends me a pointed look, so I give him a name. “Ace.”

He grins. “You know Ace? Ace is my boy! We were recruited here together.”

I’m guessing this means Cohen is the same age as Ace, and Ace is a year younger than I am. “He’s nice.”

“Yeah, he is. How do you know him?”

This is where I don’t want to admit my connections, but Cohen isn’t leaving me much choice. “I, uh…my brother is Knox Maguire.”

Cohen’s eyes nearly bug out of his head at my reveal. “No shit? You’re related to Knox?”

“Yeah. He’s my big brother.”

“He’s a fucking great football player. Makes sense, considering who his dad is.” Cohen’s eyes seem to grow even larger, if that’s possible. “That means Owen Maguire is your dad too. And Drew Callahan is your uncle.”

“You know your football.”

“I’m from California, remember? I’m a Niner fan. Grew up in the Bay Area. San Mateo.” Realization dawns. “Is that the family you were referring to that lives in California? The Callahans?”

Oh God. I’m in over my head with this conversation. And Cohen has latched on to it like a baby with a bottle.

“Um, yeah.” I laugh, trying to play it off. “We used to go to their lake house a lot. Still do every Thanksgiving.”

“Where you play those infamous football games with the family, right? I can’t even fucking imagine.” He sounds beyond impressed, but I’m a little alarmed.

How did he know about the family football games during Thanksgiving? That’s all my Uncle Drew’s doing. He loves those games. Pretty sure he enjoys Thanksgiving more than Christmas.

“Right. Uh, how did you know about the family football game?” I sound nervous, but that remark left me unsettled.

“Oh, he mentioned it in some article a while ago. And now everyone asks Jake Callahan about it. And Eli Bennett. He’s married to your cousin Ava.”

“Yeah,” I say weakly, hating how much this guy knows about my family. I know they’re in the public spotlight, and it makes sense. Not only was my uncle a revered football player and a game announcer for a few years, but now his son and his sons-in-law all play for the NFL. And my youngest cousin Beck plays college football too. He always brushes it off and says the NFL isn’t for him, but we’ll see.

My family is a giant dynasty of football players that my brother is most likely on his way to becoming a part of.

Just like Cam. He has the potential to go pro as well. Something we’ve never really talked about before.

Something I’m not so sure I would be comfortable with, if I’m being real right now. Oh, I know I could handle it, considering my background. My dad wasn’t nearly as famous as my uncle, he did have his moments of fame, though he was pretty private about it all. Dad had quite a few endorsement deals, and made great money. But it’s a different scenario when you’re the famous QB who leads your team to a number of Super Bowl wins.

That could be Cam. He has the potential. I believe he could do whatever he sets his mind to.

Could I handle that though? I’m getting way ahead of myself, but this dude is freaking me out talking about my family, and my brush with fame isn’t what I would consider a big deal.

If I were with Cam, though? And he entered the NFL with the spotlight shining brightly upon him?

That might be cause for a potential freak out.



I enterthe house minutes after I watched Blair stride inside, and I’m immediately in search of her. The place is packed with people and I can’t help but wonder what the fuck would it be like if the party was held on a Saturday night.

It’s Sunday and everyone showed up in droves. But a party is a party. The day it’s happening doesn’t really matter.

“Camden, hi!” A cute girl with half her tits hanging out of her dress greets me, a red solo cup clutched in her hand, her overly bright smile unsettling.