“And I think we’d be really good together. I get this feeling I’d be up to…anything you’d ask me to do.”

He is literally starting to sweat. “Anything?” he practically chokes out.

“Anything,” I reassure him with far more confidence than I feel.



What the hellam I doing? I only came to Logan’s in the hopes I’d see her. Just a glimpse of her pretty blonde head and her even prettier face with flashing green eyes and lips made for sucking dick.

Wait a minute. I shouldn’t think like that, but damn it, she has a great mouth.

The moment I do spot her, she makes like she’s going to leave, and I chase after her like the idiot I am.

I told myself after my unexpected outburst a few days ago that I wouldn’t do that again. I wouldn’t go off on her. With her. Whatever way I should describe it. I swore I wouldn’t dare share even the tiniest detail of my life with her because when it comes to Blair Maguire, I need to keep the walls up. She’s slowly but surely working her way into my life and I shouldn’t want that. No matter how hard she tries, I should warn her off.

Keep my distance.

Torturing myself further, I go and force her to sit with me and apologize and grovel like the simp asshole I am. One look at her beautiful face and I’m a goner.

When she talked about hair pulling and how she imagines the two of us together having sex? It’s obvious she’s trying to torment me.

“I mean it,” she says when I remain quiet, trying to process what she said. “Though I haven’t done much, I think I could be into…all of that.”

Sitting up straighter, my gaze bores into hers, like I can see inside her brain and know exactly what she’s thinking. “Blair.”

“Let’s be real with each other, Cam. What’s the big deal? We’re adults. We can share details from our sex lives, right?” She scoots her chair closer to the table, her knees colliding with mine and I spread my thighs, capturing one of her legs between both of mine. Her breath hitches, and she tries to withdraw her leg from mine, but I don’t let her.

I’ve got a solid clamp on her.

“You really want to share details about our sex lives with each other?”

The waitress shows up with our waters, and once she sets the glasses on the table, I give her a twenty-dollar bill for her trouble. She leaves quickly, not having the time to linger, and the moment she’s gone, Blair starts talking.

“I’ve had two serious boyfriends, but I’ve messed around with…four guys. I don’t have what I would call a ton of experience.”

Jealousy spreads over my skin, sinking into my gut. I don’t like the idea of her with one guy, let alonefour.

Fuck those guys.

“How about you? How many girls have you been with?”

“I am not sharing my body count with you.” I press my lips together, not about to admit how many women there have been. Not as many as some of my fellow teammates have been with, but my number is definitely more than four, that’s for damn sure.

“I’m guessing you have a lot of experience then.” Her smile is sweet as can be when she reaches for her glass and takes a long swallow. I stare at her the entire time, unable to look away, focusing on the elegant arch of her throat. Her skin is smooth and I’m filled with the urge to kiss her there. Right at the spot where her pulse beats.

“Define ‘a lot of experience.’” I immediately hold out my hands. “Wait, don’t respond to that. I don’t want your definition.”

She laughs, sounding very pleased with herself. “See? This is fun.”

It’s not fun at all. I’m fucking miserable, but I can’t let her see that.

“This conversation is pointless,” I mutter, grabbing my glass and draining half of it in one go. “I don’t know what you’re trying to do, Blair, but it won’t work.”

All the happiness is zapped from her expression just like that. “I’m so over you. Seriously, I’m done.”

She rises to her feet, gives me the finger, and then turns tail and marches away from me with her head held high.