But here’s the deal. I don’t need Knox’s help and Dad didn’t say I needed his help either. I never even talked to our dad about my laptop. I’m just saying this because I wanted a reason to come to their table in the first place and the real person I was going to ask would’ve been Cam. But he ran off like the chicken shit that he is.

“Yeah, and that’s not enough time to go anywhere.” Knox shrugs, as if saying there’s nothing he can do.

I’m not letting him get out of this. I mean, come on. He can help his sister out for a few minutes.

“They sell Apple laptops at the campus bookstore,” I say, my smile growing. “Just come with me there, okay?”

He blows out a harsh breath, but there’s something in his gaze that’s telling me he’s changing his mind literally right in front of me. Guess he doesn’t hate the idea of going to the campus bookstore with me after all.

“Okay, but I can only stay with you for a few minutes. Then I gotta go.”

“Perfect!” I jump to my feet, noting that Knox is moving pretty fast too. “Let’s go.”

We walk over to the bookstore together, making small talk about nothing at all, my gaze constantly scanning the grounds, looking for Cam. He’s nowhere to be found.


Once we’re in the bookstore, we head toward the Apple section, Knox constantly looking back at the checkout counter, as if he’s searching for someone.

“Can I help you?” the Apple specialist asks me, and I launch into my speech about my crappy laptop and how I need a new one. He takes me over to the display laptops, asking me what I use it for. Knox pretends for all of two minutes that he’s interested in the conversation until he finally says, “Hey, uh, there’s someone here I know. Care if I go talk to her for a few?”

Her? Hmm.

“Yeah, go ahead.” I smile at him, startled when he leaves without another word, heading straight for the checkout counter, where a dark-haired girl is currently standing.

I choose the laptop I want and the guy tells me it will be here in the next couple of days, which has to be fine since I don’t really have a choice. He escorts me over to the register in his section, ringing me up, and I’m grateful that my parents help me out as I hand over the credit card they let me use for necessities.

I’m fortunate and I know it. My dad had a lot of success playing for the NFL when he was younger. I have distant memories of watching him play, being in the box seats and sometimes even hanging out on the sidelines. I remember watching my uncle Drew too. I’m used to the football scene. It’s pretty much all I know, which is why it makes sense that I’m crushing on Cam.

Though, really, it’s probably more than a crush. That seems like such a light and fluffy word for what I’m feeling for this man.

And he is all man. I can verify that, after having him pressed up against me last night. Oh, and a couple of nights ago too. The guy keeps telling me he’s not interested, but he doesn’t necessarily push me away either.

I hear horrible singing of a vaguely familiar country song and I glance up to see my brother basically making an ass of himself as he’s walking backward in the store, all smiles as he croaks at the top of his lungs. Knox has many talents.

Singing isn’t one of them.

I glance over at the checkout desk on the bookstore side, that same dark-haired girl standing there with a silly smile on her flushed face. Knox is completely flirting with her—in a really awkward way, but it’s still flirting.

I can tell.




I hadto get away from her. It was like an automatic response. As if her mere presence triggers me into action. Like I either want to run away from her or get closer. I don’t know why Blair affects me so much, but fuck.

It’s bad.

I find another picnic table to sit at that’s far away from the quad, close to a grove of pine trees that rustle pleasantly with the cool breeze. The sun is shining and the temperatures are still up there, but I can feel it.

It’s September, which means fall is almost here. My favorite time of year.

In my life, autumn equals football. Some of my fondest memories are wrapped up in this time of year and football, as well as some not so fond memories. Like the times my dad showed up to watch my games drunk off his ass. One time he was even asked to leave one of my games, he was making such a drunken scene.

That sucked.