“I met them,” I confirm.

Knox’s brows draw together, his expression suddenly thunderous. “When the hell did you meet Blair’s roommates?”

“At Logan’s a couple nights ago.”

Knox whips his head in Blair’s direction. “Why were you at Logan’s?”

“I went with my roommates. The ones that are interesting.”

“I hate how you keep calling them that,” Knox practically growls.

Blair’s mischievous gaze meets mine. “It’s the best way to describe them, don’t you think, Cam?”

“Sure,” I say with trepidation, keeping my gaze fixed on her beautiful face.

“Tell me you watched over her,” Knox says to me. “And you made sure no one harassed my sister.”

“No one harassed your sister,” I automatically say.

Blair snorts.

Knox glares.

And me? I keep my composure, though I send her a look that sayswatch it.

Blair changes the subject and asks Knox about his class load, while she serves us our dinner. She delivers a plate to me first, which has Knox groaning.

“I’m starved.”

“Oh my God, stop whining.” She sets his plate in front of him and he immediately starts eating. “You need anything else before I sit down?”

Knox mumbles no. I shake my head, waiting for Blair to sit before I start eating. She grabs her plate and her water bottle and settles onto the stool next to mine, brushing against me with the movement.

Despite the delicious smelling food, the scent that hits me the hardest is her perfume. That sweet floral scent smells like she rolled in a field of wildflowers, which immediately has me thinking of Blair lying naked in a lush green meadow, her body covered in colorful petals.

I seriously need to get a grip.

The chicken tenders are melt-in-your-mouth good, and she even put together some homemade ranch dressing. The fries were frozen, but she cooked them perfectly and the salad has all my favorite things—avocado and red onion but no tomatoes. It’s like she knew exactly what I like.

Huh. Does she? Has she paid that close attention to me? We don’t spend that much time together, so I don’t know how she’d know.

Knox inhales his meal in record time, leaning back and patting his flat stomach when he’s finished. “That was fucking delicious.”

Blair laughs. “As good as Mom’s?”

“Definitely. Maybe even better. Don’t tell her that though,” Knox says, sounding vaguely panicked.

“What did you think, Cam?” Her pretty green eyes land on me, and I stare into them for a few seconds, getting lost. She has the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen.

“Really good,” I finally say, slipping off the barstool before I start gathering up the dirty dishes. “I’ll clean up.”

“Oh, you don’t have to do that.” She rests her hand on my forearm as if she’s trying to stop me when I reach for her dish, and I send her a look, trying to ignore the way her touch burns my skin.

It’s a pleasant burn. AGod damn, what would it feel like to have her hands all over my body– kind of sensation.

I need to push that thought out of my head. We are not turning into anything. I don’t care what she tries to do—like coming around here making me dinner. I can’t succumb to her charms.

And she’s charming as fuck, not gonna lie.